[@Lmpkio][@Bluetommy] This probably isn't as comedic as you were expecting, but he's what I've got so far. No backstory yet, but I doubt I'll finish this today and I wanted to get something up. [hider=Thomas Best][center][h1][color=blanchedalmond][i]Slaying the Dragon is just the first step[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hider=A Knight] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4b/fa/a1/4bfaa1c43a5cabed1e45ec6d7dd82d40.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=And a Dragon] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0f/f2/9b/0ff29b29a951ef3b7eabb64767f99486.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Name:[/b][/color] Thomas Best [color=blanchedalmond][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=blanchedalmond][b]Birthdate:[/b][/color] [i] August/12th[/i] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=blanchedalmond][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] English [hr] [color=blanchedalmond][h1]Appearance:[/h1][/color] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Height:[/color][/b] 5’ 11” [b][color=blanchedalmond]Weight:[/color][/b] 174lbs [b][color=blanchedalmond]Fashion Sense:[/color][/b] When he is not wearing his armour Thomas prefers to dress smartly, even in casual situations; a white button-up shirt, a pair of pressed black trousers and smart black shoes is as lax as he will ever be. More commonly he will also be wearing a tie and a suit vest to go with them. In combat Thomas will wear a suit of armour, as a knight should. A shirt of scale mail over a green shirt, covered by a green vest and finally with a layer of plate armour on top of that; on his lower half he wears darker green trousers under plate boots. He does not wear a helmet. However when he activates his Soulbound Blade his armour transforms along with the weapon itself, with the plate mail expanding to cover his whole body including his head; the armour thickens, becoming heavier and more ornate, taking on a distinctly draconic appearance. [hr] [color=blanchedalmond][h1]Biography:[/h1][/color] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Personality Questions:[/color][/b] [hider=questions] -You're fighting a worthy opponent who you're about to defeat, then they forsake their humanity and give up their self just to beat you, how do you react? To lose oneself to power is something that I risk every time I release the soul within my sword; that is the reality of trying to harness the might of creatures far stronger than man. Cautionary tales of knights who lose control of their Soulbound weapons are taught to everyone who seeks to use one; it is more than just a name, the souls of these creatures are still alive and present within them. They will overcome your will if you let them and they will destroy you. For a knight to willingly give themselves over to the soul within their weapon would kill them; there would be no strength, a man cannot control that much unfettered power. It is why restraint is the most important virtue of our Order. But then… it has happened once, according to the history of my Order at least; a man who was able to fully unleash the soul within his blade and not be consumed. It would mean giving up your sense of self, allowing your body to be overtaken by the soul of another; death, in other words. It would mean that seeing your opponent defeated was more important than your own life. I would question why anyone hated me enough that my death meant that much to them. … Although, according to the story, somehow that man was able to come back from it. -Where do you go when you die? I have proof that souls exist, in a sense. That gives me hope that an afterlife exists, though what form it will take of if I’ll be allowed to go there is another matter. -Are you a bad person? Sometimes I wonder if what we do is right… all I can do until I find the answer to that is push forward. [/hider] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Backstory:[/color][/b] [i]Self explanatory, everything relevant to who your character currently is.[/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Abilities:[/color][/b] - A Skilled Knight: Thomas has spent years mastering the use of a sword and a shield, of fighting in armour on foot and on horseback. He is a knight, though not one recognised by the realm, there is no “Sir” before his name”, but he has earned the recognition of his Order through blood and sweat. - A Skill Hunter: Though skilled in combat it was not people Thomas was training to fight, but creatures that most would believe to be nothing more than myth and legend. He is as skilled a hunter as he is a warrior; he can track, navigate all kinds of terrain and remain unseen if need be. He knows the mind of beasts and how best to fight them. - An Iron Resolve: To wield a Soulbound Blade requires a strong will, one capable of holding back the crushing might of another being’s very essence, to resist the lure of destructive power. Thomas has that will, that unbreakable resolve. - Soulbound Blade: Thomas belongs to an historic Order of Knights that have learned how to capture and harness the power of the creatures they hunt. Before their prey dies they remove the soul from its body and contain it before using it in a ritual that will place that same soul into a weapon. The weapon is them imbued with the power of that creature whether that be the strength of a Giant, the ferocity of a Manticore or the beguiling magic of a Siren. Thomas’ own weapon contains the soul of a Dragon, the first of its kind in generations and a power many of the Order’s current members would be unable to control. - Soul Release: In its normal form a Soulbound weapon is no different from any other. It is only when the bindings on the weapon are loosened and the soul is allowed to peek through that their true power is revealed; this process is known as “Soul Release”. The process usually produces a change in the weapon, the soul within it causing the weapon to change to match the power coursing through it and also coursing through the wielder at the same time, strengthening them and granting them the abilities of the creature they have captured. However using “Soul Release” is not without its risks. The more the bindings keeping the soul in check are loosened the more influence the soul has over the world; loosening them too much risks letting the soul free. It is like opening a door to a room filled with water; the wider the gap in the door the more water can be let out at once, but opening it further also means increasing the pressure coming from the other side. Opening the door too far might mean that the knight is unable to hold the door any longer nor be able to close it again. In addition to this, Thomas has another issue to deal with as in his case the act of “Soul Release” is a double edged sword. Dragons are among the most powerful magical species still remaining in this world and a Soulbound weapon using their soul is equally as strong as a result, strong enough that “Soul Release” does not just transform the weapon but the armour Thomas is wearing as well. However, because of this strength they are able to retain their will within the weapon to a greater degree than most creatures; enough will that it actively seeks escape whenever the “Soul Release” is performed. Furthermore the power that is unleashed is filled with the will and vengeful thoughts of the Dragon that power is taken from, lashing out at Thomas and trying to set his body aflame even as it empowers him. It is not simply a flow of water on the other side of the door; there is a monster within that flow trying to smash the door down as soon as you open it a crack, its claws reaching around to slash at the person holding it shut. [hr] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Equipment:[/color][/b] - A Knight’s Armour: The standard scale and plate mail armour that Thomas wears; forged with modern techniques and ores to be strong yet light at the same time. When he releases the soul within his blade it transforms, imbuing him with the strength of a mighty Dragon and granting him the protection of their magical scales. - A Shield to Protect: In addition to his armour Thomas carries a standard, unadorned kite shield. The transformed Soulbound blade is two-handed, so this shield is discarded before he unleashes its power. - A Sword to Slay: The Soulbound blade containing the soul of a Dragon Thomas slayed in service to his Order. When untransformed it looks like a simple long sword, as this is what it was before having a Dragon sealed into it. When transformed it becomes a large two-handed great-sword with an obvious draconic influence to its design; a long red cloth trails from its hilt. [/hider]