[b]Flame[/b] My mouth goes dry as I watch Smough undress. I'm painfully aware of the heat that travels up my spine as he removes his shirt. He's a god if I've ever seen one. There's no reason why a doctor pirate should be that fit. Unless he's single-handedly carried on every piece of cargo on this thing. He's chiseled alright but it's all lean muscle which is an interesting contrast to Gaul's bulk. How did I find myself in such close proximity to two mega attractive men? I almost forget why I'm standing here until his boots thud to the floor. The sound echoes in my extremely sensitive ears. "I'd love to swim!" I answer brightly. I spin around, with the intent of asking Blaze to pull what I need out of his portal. As if he heard my thoughts, he tosses a bundle at me. I catch it with my tail as I pass him. "One second."I call over my shoulder at Smough. I dash into Blaze's portal so quickly his leather jacket flaps a bit. I don't bother changing into my swimsuit. I just strip down to my lace underthings and throw my swimsuit cover up over it. The materials mesh and backless so it doesn't cover up much but it's better than walking out naked. I zip out quickly and can feel Blaze stiffen as I walk past. At first I think he's angry about what I'm wearing but I can feel his searing stare. It's on my back. It's on my Fox Spirit tattoo. To look at him you'd think he doesn't have a care in the world. His posture is completely relaxed as he leans against one of the posts on deck and watches me with a bored expression. But I know my brother. He's mentally forcing his muscles to relax. His blood is boiling as it rushes through his veins. The bored expression is a mask and his eyes never leave my scarred back. I turn my body ever so slightly, and using my tail as a shield from everyone else, I give him the finger. I'm up on the rail before he can say anything. "Ready when you are Admiral!" I'm poised on the rail with my legs crossed, facing Smough. Without another word I stick my arms up above me, and fall back into the cradle of the ocean.