[center][hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smile-of-the-ocean-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190817/b2f0a7743de831d68ef6456a1bc4d281.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AOhxL1w.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h1][color=C979FF][b][u]Laundry Day![/u][/b][/color][/h1] [u]January 3, 8:00 AM New York City, New York - Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance[/u] [hr][/center] When one thinks about being a superhero, they really tend to focus on the glorious highlights of the job. Swooping in to save the day at the last moment from some impossible villain, dashing into burning buildings to save innocent lives, and wearing around a cool costume to get all sorts of glory. Yet what nobody seems to consider for reasons that are unknown are the boring parts that come with the job as well. Gathering intelligence, those long interviews with police after you stop a crime, and the most dreadful of all things superhero: Laundry Day. While most others would simply stare at a young hero and call them insane for thinking that their laundry day is one of the worst parts of their job, a certain young woman was acutely aware of the painful truth. With most clothes, one can simply toss them into the washer and be done with it after a little bit. Yet such was not true with the outfits that most superheroes would wear. No, instead one has to ensure the costume is set through a delicate wash and ensure that they are able to get the particularly difficult stains out of the costume. After all, nobody wants to run around with the blood of some villain you just sucker-punched into a wall on your cape. On top of all that, you have to be even more careful when washing your costume to ensure that others don't see it. Otherwise, you just might be doomed to having your secret identity found out. Then you're stuck being the hero persona that you live like for every second of your life, which oddly enough is not as fun as it sounds. Sometimes it's really nice just to be a normal person out on the streets as opposed to the hero icon everybody looks up to. These thoughts were fresh in the internal monologue of one Kara Palmer, a professional cosplayer and model living a secret life as New York City's very own superhero: Sol. In a laundromat over in Chinatown, the girl was dressed in a rather [url=https://i.imgur.com/YEEZ4df.jpg]casual outfit[/url] as she leaned back on a washer, holding tightly onto her costume as she scrubbed to try to get the worst of the blood off her white cape. While most superheroes wouldn't likely take the chance of having their costume in public, Kara did have a luxury most of them couldn't afford. That being that as a cosplay model, she had a perfect cover-up for having the costume on hand. She was simply washing it before she had another photoshoot, she would explain to others who asked her about it and if they still seemed to be at doubt she simply showed them her Instagram page. That usually quieted down most people who were seemingly going along the lines of thinking that perhaps they had discovered Sol's secret identity. Thankfully, she really didn't have to explain that to most of the people in this laundromat. It was mostly an empty place, with only three or four others using the place to clean their clothes. Though the girl didn't really need to be here to do her laundry, unlike most of the patrons here, as she had her own working washer and dryer in her apartment. No, she was instead using the day of laundry to double as intelligence gathering. As she had heard rumors that the Triad used this particular establishment to launder their money (clever, laundromat to launder money!), and decided to kill two birds with one stone. While all the action took place in the back of the building, Kara was fortunate enough to have super hearing and x-ray vision at her disposal. So as she was scrubbing away the blood from the idiot store robber who tried to take a swing at her earlier, the girl was also listening intently to the Triad in the back of the building. Oh, the secrets she was learning about safehouses and members of the Triad. It almost brought a little smile to the pink-haired girl's lips as she thought about how they had no clue they were telling everything to a superhero. Yet she suppressed the urge as she made mental notes of everything they talked about in the back. With the information that she was hearing, the girl was confident that she would be able to push the Triad out of her city. At least, she would be bringing peace to the streets with them out of the way. As she was thinking about this, Kara was suddenly aware of somebody addressing her. Looking over to her left, an old chinese woman with a cane had made her way over and was pointing towards Kara's costume. Asking out the bloodstain that she was trying to scrub out, to which the woman got an awkward laugh by way of response from Kara. [color=C979FF]"Oh, no ma'am. My cat had nixed me while I was working on the cape and she wanted to play, so I'm just trying to get the blood out. I think I almost got it though, apologies if seeing it bothered you at all."[/color] She said with a friendly little smile as the woman didn't look overly convinced by the girl's explanation of things. However, the woman seemed to shrug it off as if it wasn't all that much of an issue. Instead of heading back to the counter she had been sitting behind before, the woman stayed by Kara's side and struck up a pleasant little conversation. Which, admittedly, Kara wasn't overly happy about as it took her attention away from listening to the Triad, but still it was important to not seem rude. So she chatted with this sweet old woman, everything ranging from the store to her grandson who was about her age. Then about how Kara would surely like him, afterall he was such a sweet boy. Although the girl brushed off that part of the conversation since she figured she could end their conversation once the laundry was done, which it almost was, and finish hearing what the Triad had to say before she went home to plan how to take them all out.