[@Double] [@Weird Tales] [h2][center][color=004b80]Bururi[/color][/center][/h2] The blue alien stopped in mid air and directing his body towards the green little men, He was hoping for them to follow him instead of chasing after the other man. But he was not complaining as he needed to get rid of these monsters, Firing at one or two of them with his finger beam to try and bring their attention towards him and not to the other two. If he was successful then one of the beams would hit their arm or at the very least their shoulder blade, However if it failed then it would miss and he would have to plan something else to try and lower their numbers. Their was a lot of these green little aliens, He wondered where they came form and who was controlling them if their was a master. "Come and get me, You acid spitting freaks" He yelled out loud for them to hear him. Once they flew towards him he would try to stay far away form them as he didn't want to be hit by their acid spit. However if they come close to him then he would have to fight them by using his energy blades, Although he would have to avoid close combat with these things. If it would have to come down to it he would have to cut these things into mince meat.