[@Zaphander][@Pudding] [center] [hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/brush-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190613/2859094ceb77cb7b4cc473845d8de57b.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dawn looked back at Peter with dull look when he called her ‘Halo’ her cheek just under her eye twitching slightly at the horrid pet names and the fact that he still thinks she actually LIKED him deep down. Her head tilted to the side just a degree. He must be truly delusional, deeply in denial to even think he was hot stuff. Well.. boys were always like that. As much as she wanted to put him in his place, he did bring up taking them to get some burgers. She opened her mouth to turn him down, especially when he called her the light of his life. when the ‘i'll even pay.’ came up. She covered her hesitation by opening her massive beachbag of a purse up and started rummaging around in it. Seemingly more interested in what ever thought popped in her head. As the random things clattered in her purse she thought through her options. She was conflicted. She didn’t want to actually go out in public with this dweeb, she had an image to protect. But free food. She got free food a ton by flirting with boy’s but the guys in her class were not that cool enough to go through the pain of pretending to laugh at their jokes. Also it’s only been a month starting at this school. That type of groundwork takes a bit of time to set up...usually...present company excluded. She also never had an issue with the cafeteria food. Course her taste buds were quite different from everyone else. She had yet to find someone who thought Pickles and mayo was a tasty treat. Chloe went on another thing about explaining what coupons were, as if she was reading from a dictionary. This made Dawn blink a few times. She already thought the girl was sheltered, but this is going to get some time to get used to. However she did give off a feeling of innocence that was hard not to ignore. She couldn’t hold it against the girl for her style of speaking. She sighed when she tried to convince her to go. She finally found what she was looking for and pulled a small dum dum lolipop from her bag, and quickly unwrapped it and almost tossed it into her mouth in such a fluid motion it was clear there were mountains of wrappers and sticks somewhere in some dump that were soley made by her. [color=fff200] Fine... [/color] she said giving in. as she shifted her bag more closer to the base of her neck on her shoulder. If anything she wouldn’t want Chloe to be alone with coco pebbles over there. The boy was in overdrive for girls...to take advantage of an innocent girl would probably be right up pebbles alley. [color=fff200]So how are we getting there? Don’t say you’re going to…. Roll there? Do you even have a car?[/color] She said while she walked over to Chloe and took her arm in the crook of her own and started leading her towards the parking lot. Where she could see a couple girls getting into a black classic car. Two girls leaving with a boy during school hours? Scandleless….wait. Her head dropped in the sudden realization of her thoughts. Dur. [color=fff200] [i]What have I gotten into….[/i] [/color] she groaned inwardly.