Well, according to Vertigo, they busted their shoulder and can't post for a while - though they'll have to post before monday next week or get tossed out on their butt Duoya's busy with children and OwO is being indecisive and having fun poked at them by Tiramis. So, it's really up to you whetever you wanna barge right on over there, or go visit some [i]other[/i]Familia(s) first, and get rejected harshly first. Never feel like you have to worry about post-order or if someone is lagging behind, it's my job to - when they post - drag them and pull them up to speed with everyone else. In other news; My visit to the optician went horribly and they had to schedule me for an appointment at a special eye-clinic... So yeah, not in a great mood. Gonna eat some left-over popcorn and maybe sleep for a bit, should clear things up.