[h2]The Arena[/h2] "Pfft! Oh boy! I really shouldn't try to do that when I'm not wearing my helmet. Anyway, that was a nice strike, Archer. You really are much more fun when you aren't lecturing people around," Mordred said, after spitting a mouthful of blood, as she extended a hand to her opponent. Whether he accepted the offer or not, she wouldn't be holding it for too long. After all, a certain tsunderish Master who couldn't decide whether she was happy or worried would be clinging to her in a moment's notice. "Ouch, ouch, Master! That's no way to treat your knight, is it?" Mordred joked as Seria clung to her and, while casting a healing spell, couldn't decide if she would praise, or scold the Knight of Treachery. However, Mordred would make it an easy choice—or rather, not leave much room for choices on Seria's part—when she pulled her Master close, holding her by the waist, and rose Clarent high over her head, declaring herself as the victor of this match, like in the good old times. "Hear this all of you! This victory is a declaration that the greatest king of all time, Arthur Pendragon, has come back to this land with his Knights of the Round Table! After so long, we have finally come back together! If there's anyone else who dares challenge us, make yourself known!" the crimson knight shouted to the whole of the arena, and whoever else was watching the match's broadcast. Meanwhile, Tristan would also come out of the gloom of the waiting area, following his King. His head was hung low and his eyes shut—just as ever—it would be hard to know whether or not the Child of Sadness was awake or sleepwalking until he said, "My King, forgive this Knight for his opinion. Even though this is a moment of celebration, I can't help but feel sad for those who got their dreams of victory crushed. Fair maiden, Lady Bradamante, and Chiron, the instructor of countless legendary heroes, I shall remember your gallantry and tenacity whenever I play my melodies," in the most melodramatic voice possible, following Mordred's declaration. [h2]The Pier[/h2] "I see," Othis replied after Moriarty explained what he knew about this mystery. In the end, it wasn't that different from the information Holmes and she knew but she didn't let this detail clear. If nothing else, having the [s]dastardly[/s] good professor guess how much they knew or not would even the odds since they couldn't be completely sure that he wasn't plotting something either. Or better, knowing his fame, he certainly was plotting [i]something[/i]. What it was, and whether or not it had something to do with this whole ordeal and with themselves, was the question left to be answered. "If that's the case, I suppose we will have to continue with our original plan, or do you have anything else in mind, Holmes?" she asked her partner.