[quote=Silverwind Blade] Please show me evidence of this, and I will let you have the goggles. I have never, ever, heard or seen any evidence or proof that NVG's could be made this small or sleek. Quite frankly, I wasn't really looking for a discussion - I want you to change them to regular NVG's, or take them off of your character sheet. I don't like them, and they don't fit the feel or mood I'm looking for in game world.Not a problem at all - you've let me know, so it's no problem. I won't be pushing things to move too quickly anyway, so it's not likely you'll miss too much. [/quote] [url=http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/print/volume-19/issue-12/departments/electro-optics-watch/bae-systems-delivers-prototype-multispectral-imaging-night-vision-goggles-to-us-army.html] BAE has this[/url] [url=http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/archive/2013/October/Pages/NewTechnologiesFuelAdvancementsinNightVisionGoggles.aspx] Another prototype[/url] this is acctully in use right now as well . You know those cool eye pieces in the modern warfare games...those are real as well btw XD and so are the rods of god(I think that is what they are called in the game) was a project initiated during the cold war, it was only shut down cause the cold war ended. But they would of worked as they did in the games...that is the real scary thing. Again war drives technology, we would have improved versions of these by now if we were in a third world war.