[b]Flame[/b] Smough's hand on my back is comforting in its steadiness. The feeling doesn't last long though because as soon as I see the whale I bolt. I'm am completely ecstatic. I. SEE. A. WHALE! I slow down within a couple of feet of the animal but it doesn't seem spooked by the torpedo like entrance I just cut towards it. Slowly I stretch out my hand and touch it. Within a minute, I'm sitting atop the whale as it breaks the water's surface. I'm laughing. It seems to snort as it shoots up a spout of water. "OMG! You're so friendly!" I'm spread eagle, on top of the whale, it's the only way I can properly give it a hug. I stroke its slippery skin and laugh even more. "You're so gentle for a gigantic aquatic creature!" I can't believe this is happening. I. AM. TOUCHING. A. WHALE!!!! "This is so incredible!"