[center][h3]World War 2[/h3] [i] Perhaps the bloodiest conflict in human history, a war filled with suffering on a global scale. A black mark in human history that couldn't be washed away with any amount of bleach or steel wool. Blood and suffering on a scale that large doesn't go unnoticed, not by our world and not by the other side. Whether or not we choose to see it or believe it, humanity is involved with a war against an opponent that defies the laws of nature itself. An enemy that prefers to stay within the shadows and go unseen, only rearing it's ugly head at the pinnacle of human suffering. When blood is spilled, the other side gains strength. An enemy who's borders aren't measured in miles or feet but fear and souls. World War 2 nearly gave the other side enough power to drown the light of our world. Were it not for the actions of a brave few, mankind would have drowned in evil. [/i] [hr] As you could probably tell from the lovely opening, this story will be set in World War 2 and will be following characters of a supernatural background, characters who were fighting a war not only against the Nazis but against the unseen enemy from the other side. Your character is a former member of the OSS who was first recruited for a new and secret organization created by FDR. With the Nazis' Thule Society searching for ways to win the war with the occult, FDR founded the group known as B.A.T., short for Bureau of Arcane Technology; a group comprised of occult experts, historians, and OSS agents. Their mission was similar, research the occult for ways to stop the Nazis and disrupt their efforts if possible. Your character is tenacious and has a talent for finding correlations where others may see nothing. With that skill, she was able to stumble on an American conspiracy that dates all the way back to Andrew Johnson concerning a man who had been a vampire that was personally pardoned from a death sentence from the President himself. Subsequently, she began finding other heavily redacted reports that she began realizing involved this vampire. That's when she gets summoned by the President himself...and that is where our RP will open. Want to know more? PM ME![/center]