Alister turned to leave but stopped when he sensed something strange in the air. He turned around and watch as drake threw his light into the dark corridor. Alister squinted his eyes but couldn't make out the figure in the dark. He didn't have time to figure it out since the guards were already on their way. “Crap. Let’s go, old man,” Alister said then grabbed drake’s arm and dragged him to the door. The alarm in compound started going off as the intercoms announced that there were intruders. Alister could hear and sense the guards coming from the stairs above. It was a large army that they had no hope of fighting in their condition. “We’re too much of an easy target together. Spread out and meet each other outside,” Vanessa said then headed down a random corridor. “She’s right. Stay safe,” Alister said. He tightened his grip on Drake’s arm then hesitantly let go. He didn’t want to leave Drake alone in this compound but the mission was more important. He stared at Drake for a moment then headed down a corridor. He did his best to weaved through the twisting corridors until he found his way back to the old tunnel. “Please make it out,” Alister said. He knew he should leave but he waited in the boiler room for Drake. He could sense Drake’s present still in the compound and refused to leave without him. [hr] Once the hunter finished their massacre, Valeria got up and walked over to the hunter they left alive. She looked into his eyes and cast a spell causing him to go to sleep. She then smiled and turned to the hunters still under her spell. “Kill your self,” She said. Without hesitation, they all pointed a gun at their head and fired a shot. Their bodies dropping like flies. Valeria teleported back to Andrew and asked, “So who did you capture?”