❂Name: Levia Farrow ❂Class (Look in doc): Illusionist ❂Race (Look in doc): Pixie ❂Appearance (Picture or Description or Both): [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/a0/41/11a041ce2d5b815f8cbe4e3a4fad2fb5.jpg[/img] Although she is on the small side (even for a pixie she is only 4 inches) She uses her illunsion powers to give herself a body that is about 5'6 ❂Character's Characteristics: Levia is charasmatic, she likes to engage with people and have fun. She can also be a bit if a prankster using her abilities to mess with those around her. ❂Main Power(s) based on Class: Levia uses her powers to dampen enemies sense ornto enhance her own. She is amazing at tracking in particular. She isn't big on combat herself but will partake if absolutely needed, using illusions to confuse enemies. ❂Backstory (If Any): to be filled in ❂Any Other Info, if any: