The young mage was not wrong about how eerie the city was; very rarely was the world as quiet as Fuyuki City was now. Even when no people were present to make noise there should be the sounds of nature to replace it. In Saber’s experience the only thing that could cause a hush like this to fall was death; not just a singular death but enough violence and misery to cause a change in the air, one that could drive away life entirely, leaving a place like this behind. When the faceless soldier and mud came around the corner Fierabras drew his sword, it didn’t matter which, and stepped in front of his two charges. The thing didn’t even seem to notice him as it charged directly for Waver, driven by something more than instinct, as the youth in question moved behind Saber for protection. Even as William gave the command to kill the golem should his attack fail Fierabras was already moving, taking two long strides so as to be clear of the others, and swung his sword down with both hands to cleave the mockery of the human form in twain.