[indent][indent][url=https://pin.it/du5tl2qvdw2nah]Shades[/url] sat on top of a dusty hillock, surveying a large army booming in the distance. This world was pitiful. Everything was drab and desolate, and the sun seemed to always stay in the same place, slow cooking this ball of red dust high above yellow skies. It looked like it was going to be another day at the office when, suddenly, a portal opened beside him. “Oh, sweet!” Shades hadn’t been this excited since, well, his last partner. Killing dimensions on his own was getting kind of boring. He was starting to worry if Good Ol’ Grim was even going to send anybody. Shades stood up and dusted off the red sand from his black coat. The amount of enthusiasm on his skull-painted face was overwhelming. He eagerly awaited the arrival of his new partner as the army of 10,000 undead knights roared menacingly in his direction. [/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/a3/02/2da3027cd801dd4c445c075e723916d9.jpg[/img] [i]Queue the Heavy Metal Soundtrack!!![/i][/center]