[@LeeRoy] This time the technique Shin used was something Gonad had never seen before. When a wild beast encounters the unknown, the first instinct is to retreat. Find safety, wait out the storm and prepare better for the next time. Survival is all that matters. It's easy to assume that Gonad has the same instincts as a wild beast, and would try to evaluate anything suspicious from a safe distance. Such thinking was the bane of all warriors. One who seeks to preserve their life loses it, as only prey flees. For some, fighting is like driving a car. Going by the book, you stop at red lights, go on green, avoid contact with other vehicles, and obey the speed limit. If Gonad were in a motor vehicle, he wouldn't even dignify the traffic lights with a glance. He'd take a shortcut through a government building and then careen off a cliff. Despite the technique being new to Gonad he was able to discern it in a heartbeat, waylaying all inessential information with the astute simplicity of a child and siezing his next opportunity without hesitation. Instead of retracting his leg immediately after the kick, Gonad paused a moment to see how Shin recovered and then stepped forwards during the second revolution, vomit still running down his beard. Partway through that second horizontal spin, when his back was to Gonad, Shin might abruptly feel an immense weight settling firmly onto his inwards pointing thumbs, temporarily pinning his hands in place and killing a significant portion of his potential energy on the roundabout, perhaps damaging his arms with his own momentum as well. He'd be able to see what had happened immediately. With a downright scary sense of timing, Gonad would have trapped the thumbs under the ball of his left foot, the same he'd just kicked with, and bearing down with his quarter-ton of weight would invade Shin's personal space prematurely and grab him by the hips, transitioning into a belly to back waistlock as he wrenched Shin into the air like a sack of spuds while stepping off his thumbs. The spinning leg(s) might whack against Gonad's right bicep if Shin could stretch enough, but the power would be relatively insubstantial and far from the stopping power required to slow down the behemoth. Should this occur, then a brief feeling of weightlessness would accompany the sight of the sky flipping overhead. In two blinks Shin would be staring at the Jade Emperor from his perch atop Gonad's shoulders, the Jade Emperor staring back, bewildered by the strange counter. Gonad had swung Shin's 250 pound body up into a backwards piggyback, and would hold him in place with the waistlock, forearms squeezing into his opponent's love handles. From there Shin could easily wail on the brute's head, strangle that thick neck between his thighs, or any number of other fearsome attacks, but... There it was again. That heavy silence, the air thick with the vaccuum tension of an impending disaster. Entertainment wrestling was likely something Shin had never seen before, and Gonad wasn't a paid actor, yet even then it wouldn't be too difficult to visualize what was going to come next. Shin had enough time to try a quick thing or two, but if he got lifted he'd be at ground zero. One of Gonad's kicks was akin to a low speed motorcycle crash. If he applied the strength of his entire body in conjunction with his and Shin's combined mass, the next attack would surely do justice to its name. It was a fallacy to assume Gonad was unarmed. When one uses the very bodies of their enemies as kinetic weapons, there is always another weapon within reach, each a hundred times greater in weight than a mere blade, exponentially more devastating than the blow of any club, and as difficult to evade as tenfold bear traps beneath a blanket of snow.