His empty frowns went unnoticed making him sigh and give up. He had this odd feeling that Seishu was probably going to keep messing with him in that manner, which meant he'd try to be more cautious around him. Hi attention turned to Rue, who was surprisingly still peaceful. It was a truly rare sight to see. It even answered the question a few of the dreams and minions had. [i]'Does he even sleep?[/i] That would be a yes. And with Seishu laying next to him, Enasi had to admit it was slightly adorable. It reminded him that even "wild animals" had soft sides. The comparison made him smile in amusement. "I'm assuming I'm not needed any more. So, I think I'll go get some rest as well." He had no idea the last time he had slept. The guardian didn't feel tired either, but he was sure that as soon as he laid and got comfortable, sleep would hit him like a ton of bricks. Even if time wasn't prominent for the realms, they still had times to sleep. His hand touched the doors handle, still being close by him. Crios' voice prevented him from leaving, and the comment made him inwardly awkward. "Um, of course." The word 'easily' alone had the qualities of being an overstatement. Everything else was too much for him to create an even more blundering response. Crios saved him from a full response by moving along. Seishu needed sleep, and Enasi would've more than happy to let him. But first, he needed to explain Crios' inquiry. Not many knew the history of the guardians, or how they came into existence, so of course they wouldn't know that Enasi and Seishu were of the same race. "Indeed we are." Enasi released the door and continued. "We were created as an opposite pair. I say opposite because of...well that should be obvious. We're two halves of a whole; that whole being Balance. We're complements of each other." The doctor listened intently and showed an interest in the news. "Being complementary would give you similar attributes, yes?" Enasi nodded and Crios couldn't help but give a look of curiosity. "What exactly are those similarities?" The two guardians acted so different. Being the doctor, during battles he was always treating patients and never saw the two fight. From interactions as of late, the two only showed the many differences they had. Though, something about their latest interactions had them rather calm. Even the high strung Enasi toned down. The reactions now were just of him not knowing how to deal with such a subject that wasn't very prominent. [i]'Being with Seishu any longer, he'll either quickly catch on to it, or he'll end up being overwhelmed by provocative acts.'[/i] "Well, one main similarity is are abilities. Those energy whips Seishu created? I can do the same thing. Of course, when we use them they exert opposing energies." What else could the guardian say? His eyes glanced over at Seishu for a brief moment before returning to the doctor. [i]'There is also the talk of our 'primal sides', but I have yet to have proof of that.'[/i] Enasi couldn't think of anything else. For some reason, he felt a little guilty for not knowing what they had in common even though they were suppose to be opposites.