Darkness enveloped the edges of her vision, a poorly maintained road consisting of cobble and dirt filled crevices. Footsteps, Alanna's own along with others rung out, the only sound to be heard echoing. Glancing panicked from side to side, looking for her comrades before realising their footfalls had faded, that there was no longer anyone by her side; she kept running as her vision dimmed. Slowly at first but it got faster and faster until it faded totally. Darkness. And... Alanna drew in a sharp breath startling the warm dragon laying atop her chest, heart racing. Kväll rested a clawed foot reassuringly on her heart, the elf began to relax slowly. Breath returning to its usual pace, colour flooding in to restore the pallor to her face. The dragon removed its foot and returned to her previous position, cuddling once again into the stomach of her rider. [I]"Again?"[/i] Kväll asked inquisitively, a slight note of worry etched into her voice. She knew already what the answer was, it was only these dreams that caused such a reaction. [I]"They've been occurring far more frequently whilst we've been here than before..."[/I] she began before being cut off. "We don't need to talk about it" she replied aloud, quietly. The dragon disapproved of course, her rider's difficulties affecting her too, but she knew better than argue; it got messy. Kväll required a little persuasion to remove herself from Alanna's chest, nothing a gentle shove couldn't handle, much to the dragon's chagrin. The elf rightened herself and dangled her bare feet off the side of the bed onto the cold stone below. "The more we talk of it, the more I think of it. We don't talk of it" she finished sternly, shooting a dark stare in the dragon's direction. Walking around the room, she could just feel the stone draining her anxieties, calming her nerves, acted as a conduit for her to release the tension she held within herself. Dressed, the elf began to approach the door as the ever present voice in her mind whispered once again. [I]"Aren't you forgetting something?"[/i] it asked in the most pathetic voice it could muster. Turning around, a small smirk upon the maiden's face as she saw her dragon curled up again, this time at the foot of her bed. Gentle hands lifted the creature before dropping it down on her own shoulders. Kväll wrapped her tail carefully around the girl's neck, perching the rest of her body across the shoulder span of the girl, and snuggling her head under her wing once again. Warm feelings of appreciation and comfort flooded their shared mind, allowing Alanna to relax further, and Kväll to sleep on their walk to meet the others.