[center][sub][Colour=Tan][h3]太 郎 山 田[/h3][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=DimGray][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_uDJlqj0rQ]The Man Mountain[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6zIGXun57U]The Hero of the Seireitei[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QvMcQ2Eejo]The Stone Fist[/url][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=Tan][h2]T A R O Y A M A D A[/h2][/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]Shinigami [/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]Male [/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]374 Years old [/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]6'5" [/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]246lbs [/Colour] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] [Colour=DarkGray]9th Division Captain [/Colour][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nbK5k9A.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [Hider=Information][sub][Colour=Tan]// A P P E A R A N C E[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Casting a mountainous shadow as he jaunts around the Seireitei, Taro is a man of notable proportion. His good-humored and amiable aura does a good job of dispelling his innately intimidating figure however. His chiseled countenance make for a robust and strong face, surrounded with hair so red it's only seen on the ripest of apples during the summer time. With a wild and unkempt manner about him, his impressive musculature and broad chest is often first to catch the eye. Years of enthusiastic workouts make him look more like brick than flesh and bone. Complete with a brimming smile Taro cascades his way through the various streets and alleyways of his home, if it weren't for his Shihakushō some might suspect a caveman on the loose. Taro wears his Shinigami uniform with pride. His sleeveless haori stamps him with the ninth division he leads whilst his Zanpakuto sits nestled in his obi sash, its Tenné wrap offering some harmony in colour against an [url=http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/84288738.jpg]eight pointed[/url] tsuba. In his leisure time Taro enjoys wearing his slate Kimono and striped Hakama. Something about its stylish aesthetic relaxes him during his past time hobbies playing music and painting. With a white poppy emblazoned on its back it is often what he will wear during official barracks inspections and in the privacy of his personal quarters. Overall Taro comes across as a friendly giant, and finding that people hide their true feelings when faced with a rank rather than a name, he is adept at the little touches of dishevelment that make him more approachable. [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// P E R S O N A L I T Y[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Taro is by nature, a leader. A friendly giant to some, an assertive tutor to others. Noble and idealistic, he is a person who lets history run its course and acts according to his impulses. Stubborn and obsessive at times, Taro is introspective and reflective, constantly trying to better himself and find challenges that push him to his limits. Iron sharpens iron, after all. His motivation in life is perpetual self improvement as a result of a deep-seated fear about destiny and his fixation on being ready when his time comes. His ultimate desire is gain enough power that he can not only face his fate head on, but grab it with both hands and mold it how he sees fit, to leave a legacy that will never die and pass through the ages as a hero. He cares intensely about the bonds he makes and the friendships he has nurtured throughout his time in the Seireitei. Prone to emotional actions he sees his purpose as a protector and will always risk his own well being for those he loves. As Captain of squad nine Taro enjoys the arts, he believes the mind needs just as much improvement as the body and strives to do so with music, painting and literary works, particularly enjoying his editorial duties in the Seireitei news magazine. He has also adopted the annoying quirk of slapping his friends on the back in celebration, not knowing his own strength, they rarely welcome it. [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// T R A I T S[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] [u]Likes[/u] [u]Dislikes[/u] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Music [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Pomegranate [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Meat [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] The idea of completion [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Friendships [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Resting on his laurels [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Training [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Uninspiring leaders [u]Positive Traits[/u] [u]Negative Traits[/u] [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Confident [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Imperious [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Optimistic [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Impulsive [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Valiant [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Restless [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Affable [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Stubborn [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// H I S T O R Y[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] In his early days as a Shinigami Taro was not the man he is today. Unseated in the ninth division he was in awe of the upper echelons in the Gotei thirteen and had convinced himself that he would never sit with them side by side, as an equal. He wasn't out of shape, or particularly lazy but his confidence and his commitment that hindered Taro and it was around this time that he was noticed by his former Captain. Jiro Mizushima was an involved leader, he inspected all the members of his squad and made a point of befriending and extending his helpful hand to any that needed it. Taro was only too accepting of his embrace and over their limited time together, he was unseated after all, Taro made an impression onto his former captain, convincing him that there was a suitable Shinigami in him, it was just begging to be free. Under the tutelage of Captain Mizushima, Taro began to make strides in his training. He was particularly fond of Hakuda, perhaps a lost remnant of the past life Taro had no memory of. However this was cut short. Not long after Taro was earmarked for a seated position in his division, the coup happened. The head Captain along with a handful of his underlings betrayed and attacked the Seireitei, the ensuing combat was vicious and exhausting, frightening and lasting. Taro found himself running rings around the barracks looking for his fellow officers in any attempt to control the situation, but it was chaos. Taro finally believed he had found respite when he appeared to have found his Captain. At the end of the long alleyway just outside of his own quarters Taro smiled at his relief, before it turned to a look of shock and horror. He watched as his Captain backed away, seemingly he had just fought whomever stood around the corner, out of Taro's sight. He did not look good. His Haori was split, blood dripped from his limbs and Taro remembers seeing his Zanpakuto, loosely gripped but in its released form. He fell to his knees, and muttered something to his assailant, out of earshot. Taro extended an arm and prepared himself to charge to his captains defence. Until the flash of a blade caught the light, and ended his Captains reign. Taro was frozen. He could not comprehend what he had just seen. As if he wasn't really present he turned and slowly walked in a daze of shock. For the rest of the battle-filled night Taro wandered the Seireitei looking for a purpose, a new path, a new reason. He came across another Shinigami, seemingly as lost as he was. Barely functioning, Taro simply followed the man who would later become his friend and the two escaped his hell together. In the following years Taro had internalized the events that happened. In such a chilling example of mortality, Taro found drive and determination. He followed the example his former Captain had set for him and worked to become the Shinigami he now knew he could be. Applying himself to each and every discipline, Taro forced himself forward. He was intent that when his time came he would be ready, that what happened to his mentor would be a harrowing, yet learning experience. Keeping his friends close, and his conviction razor sharp, Taro rose through the ranks. It was an emotional moment, when he was offered the Captaincy of the ninth division. To sit in the seat that Jiro once had, and to be given the chance to mentor his officers as he once was. Taro shed a tear, and accepted the position with an staunchness that would serve to define him to everyone that knew him. As his first act, he built a shrine on division grounds to their previous Captain. A remembrance and a message, that the ninth would never stop moving forward built on the lessons of the past. [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Jiro Mizushima - Former Ninth Division Captain [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] His former captain holds a special place in Taro's heart. He learnt the importance of duty, preparation and leadership from his former mentor and Taro visibly becomes emotional whenever his memory in invoked. His Captain was cut down during the usurpation before his time, Taro would say, and it is a thought and feeling that has stuck with him and changed his life path. Mitsue Kurotou - Tenth Division Captain [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Being friends since their academy days and having been together during the uprising nearly one hundred years ago, Taro and Mitsue have had a special bond. Since then they have both risen through he ranks of the Gotei thirteen and both reached the lofty seat of Captain. They have stayed good friends and Taro sees Mitsue as his most loyal and trusted companion. [/Colour][/indent] [hr] [sub][Colour=Tan]// P O W E R S & F I G H T I N G S T Y L E[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Taro has a very dynamic fighting style, combining his Zanjutsu and Hakuda to overwhelm and surprise opponents. He likes to test himself and push his limits, often picking the strongest combatant he can find to help sharpen his own skills forcing him to grow and develop. In conjunction with his Zanpakuto abilities Taro can be a very subversive adversary, finding small but effective edges to turn fights in his favor putting foes in uncomfortable and annoying situations. [Center][Colour=Tan]---[/Colour][/center]Hakuda - Master [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Easily Taro's most dominant combat style. He is a premier master of the art and as head of the Security forces he sees it as a requirement for his seated squad members to at least be proficient. Zanjutsu - Master [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Taro applied himself to hone his swordsmanship skills to a level expected of a Shinigami Captain, he is considered a master and his ability with a sword has extended to his wielding of other weapons also. Hohō - Expert [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] The sheer size of Taro has made his mastery of Flash-step difficult, and he is far from the fastest. But with his customary dedication to the art he has attained an expert level and continues to study it. Kidō - Proficient [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] The weakest area of Taro's skill set. With such a focus on his physical abilities he has struggled to develop his understanding of Kidō. He is still proficient however, and can use what he does know when the need arises. [/Colour][/indent] [Hider=Zanpakuto][sub][Colour=Tan]// S P I R I T & I N N E R W O R L D[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] When traversing the depths of himself Taro is stood atop an impossibly high mountain, sheered at it's peak as if cut by a gigantic blade. Often peering off its edge he can only see the swath of thick pearly cloud that hugs the mountains waist, blocking all sight of any ground that lies below, if any exists at all. In the centre of the plateau, nestled among large boulders and creeping vines, is a single [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61ik1g7FnHL._AC_SY400_.jpg]Japanese maple tree[/url] stretching its bowed and crooked branches to the sky and offering the asylum of its shade to the spirit that rests underneath its brazen red leaves. As a gargantuan [url=https://imgix.bustle.com/rehost/2016/9/13/567233b0-adac-4189-9bea-58d2a003943d.jpg?w=970&h=546&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format&q=70]Orangutan[/url] it is one of the few beasts that outsizes Taro. Knotted brown ropes of hair cover its arms and body mimicking the vines that sit underfoot. Moving with an industry and exertion, the great ape suffuses and air of age and wisdom. Its presence acting like a warming embrace to Taro's soul, as if two old friends had finally reacquainted. Laid-back in nature, it generally communicates in grunts and gestures, only taking the effort to speak in times of urgency. Neteyama has been an important figure in Taro's life. Acting less like a father and more like a grandparent, passing his foresight and caution to Taro, he is an important balancing element to his impetuousness. Taro's Zanpakuto spirit has guided him since its inception. He has many secrets and many trials to bestow upon his wielder still, but when the time is right, Neteyama will be there for his master. [/Colour][/indent] [hr] [Center][sub][Colour=Tan][h3]割 , 寝 て 山[/h3][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=Tan][h2]K I R E T S U , N E T E Y A M A[/h2][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=DimGray][Crack, Sleeping Mountain][/Colour][/sub][/Center] [sub][Colour=Tan]// S H I K A I A P P E A R A N C E[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Stabbing the ground and keeping hold of it's handle, Taro will call Neteyama's name to release it. As he does so the ground will crack as if a great weight had been dropped. The dust will quickly whip around Taro and his Zanpakuto before dissipating to reveal him holding his [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/33/0a/3c330a2f2914bd57cb9f3b9b942319f8.jpg]Hammer[/url]. About as heavy as it looks, Neteyama is a colossal sledge complete with rivets and a large ring beneath its hilt. So weighty is his released state Taro generally has to use both hands to wield it, swinging it in wide arcs and using it's momentum in whirling strikes that can break bones and topple buildings. [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// S H I K A I A B I L I T I E S[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Neteyama is an earth based Zanpakuto. So long as his hammer is touching a source of stone of ground, Neteyama can manipulate it into Terra-kinetic constructs sprouting walls, spikes and even fists with which to fight. The limits of this power are bound by the range of Taro's spiritual pressure meaning he cannot attack at great ranges. After being analysed by the squad twelve laboratories, Taro has come to learn that his Zanpakuto works by attaching his Reiatsu to the carbon atoms in the earth, allowing him to forcibly move them around and create the constructs that he does. Touching the source of stone with his Zanpakuto allows it to transfer these particles and inhabit it with the hammers spirit. In addition to his base ability, Taro has learned and trained himself to use special techniques within the realms of its power. [Center][Colour=Tan]---[/Colour][/center][Colour=Tan]石件[/Colour] Ishiken (Stone Fist) [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] Invoking this name allows Neteyama so swallow or absorb stone and store it within the hammer. This increases the weight of Taro's Zanpakuto up to ten-fold allowing him to strike with immense power. He can also use this as a slam attack onto the ground in front of him inciting a tectonic wave of rock and stone in any given direction. [Colour=Tan]石顎[/Colour] Ishiago (Stone Jaws) [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] This technique allows Taro to very quickly disintegrate stone into a fine sand in a limited area and size, and allows him to solidify it again afterwards. He uses this technique as a trap, waiting for an opponent to strike at a stone wall or the ground and liquefying it allowing their weapon to pass through before cementing it in place. [Colour=Tan]百手巨人[/Colour] Kategori (Hundred-Handed One) [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] The final ability of Neteyama is to create multiple stone copies of Taro himself, as many as five in the past. They are distinguishable from Taro with a cracked brown exterior, but they match his physique and proficiency in Hakuda. To use this technique Taro must allow the ground to literally swallow his hammer, meaning he can only rely on his hand to hand combat as well, but it is a powerful way to overwhelm stronger opponents. [/Colour][/indent] [hr] [Center][sub][Colour=Tan][h3]卍 解 , 地 震 上 山[/h3][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=Tan][h2]B A N K A I , J I S H I N K A M I N O Y A M A[/h2][/Colour][/sub] [sub][Colour=DimGray][Divine Quaking Mountain][/Colour][/sub][/Center] [sub][Colour=Tan]// B A N K A I A P P E A R A N C E[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] Releasing his Bankai, Taro presents his hammer with both arms, as if devoting himself to a higher order. It ossifies, turning to rubble and falling away, ultimately disappearing. A thunderous shock ensues, rupturing the ground, opening fault-lines. Taro explodes in a rush of Reiatsu as a long red forms and rests loosely on his shoulders complete with a large fur stole. He holds no Zanpakuto, but adopts his Hakuda stance. [/Colour][/indent] [sub][Colour=Tan]// B A N K A I A B I L I T I E S[/Colour][/sub] [indent][Colour=DarkGray] In Bankai the ground itself is Taro's weapon. Stretching as far as his Reiatsu reaches, he can manipulate and attack with rock, stone and all manner of earth. His predominant way of utilizing this is via Terra-kinetic weapons. Reaching out to thin air he can form stone swords, hammers, axes and pole-arms from the nearest sources of stone. Often attacking once before allowing it to crumble away as he strikes with the next. These weapons can be large and massive, often incredibly heavy packing as much stone into its shape as possible. Taro can continue to use his Shikai abilities but to a more powerful degree. His stone fist can be applied to all Terra-kinetic weapons he creates, whilst his Stone Jaws can now be used at a much larger size, allowing the ground to swallow entire buildings. His stone clones are also more powerful, using the minerals in the earth he is able to give them a much more believable aesthetic, serving as actual clones rather than statues with a likeness. Finally Taro has developed a couple of techniques within his Bankai state as an ace up his sleeve. [Center][Colour=Tan]---[/Colour][/center][Colour=Tan]石歩[/Colour] Ishipo (Stone Steps) [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] A form of Hohō combined with his powers of earth manipulation, Stone Steps allows him to sink into stone surfaces and rise from others. Essentially allowing him to close the distance rapidly and attack from elevated positions, particularly in urban locations. [Colour=Tan]山切り[/Colour] Yamakiri (Mountain-cutting blade) [Colour=Tan]◆[/Colour] As a last resort and his most powerful technique, Taro can invoke Yamagiri and pull his Zanpakuto out of the ground taking the form of a hefty [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/003/247/large/riano-bagaskara-nodachi-2017-nov-04-04-58-07pm-000-customizedview9203511560-tiff.jpg?1509856863]Ōdachi[/url]. Holding it firmly with both hands Taro can use his Zanjutsu to it's fullest with a sword as heavy as a mountain and sharp enough to bifurcate one. [/Colour][/indent][/Hider][/Hider]