[center][h2][b]Super Monkey Bros.[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] [@GreenGoat] As the swing parried the blow of the first ape creature, she was sure that her swing would hit its mark and send the iron rod crashing to the side of the giant ape. And it would have, if not for the fact that these twin apes have been fighting in coordination as if they were one well oiled machine made for combat. [b]"OWO!"[/b] The first ape called out. Just as the Knightess had prepared to loose the full swing, the second ape swung upwards. Missing her weapon by scant inches, but instead, caused a transient wall of snowflakes to inhibit her line of sight for a brief moment. The feint swing was intentional. In that moment the second called out to it's other twin. [b]"WOLOLO!"[/b] Ettamri then felt her full force swing hit nothing but open air. With such force hitting nothing, it caused the Knightess to lose her footing and poise for just a second; but a second was all the apes needed. In the corner of her eye, she could see that the first ape had leaped into the air to dodge her strike, while the second was only moments away from [url=https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LightMarriedGypsymoth-size_restricted.gif]drop kicking[/url] the Knightess.