"Hello Ash!" Vadym reciprocated the greeting before pondering about the other words. "Not simple letters you say ? Well, I think that depends on your point of view. For the average reader they obviously are intended for giving the pattern of their distribution they so far must seem to be. So would you like to introduce me deeper into the reason for their existence ? I'm not entirely sure who the [i]last[/i] mystic is and what his deeds might be ?" Now Vadym truly was curious. One could see how he concentrated much more on Ashton than on anyone else in the room, including the precense of the dragon woman who clearly was outstanding in her own right as well. [hr] The gargoyle was a humongous beast, leaving behind deep, clawed traces in the mud of the roads that had the potential to leave people behind in fear the next morning. However he too was bound to the force of gravity and thus couldn't avoid this to happen without flying, but he couldn't to anything else [i]while[/i] flying. On the plus side for some people it might be rather ease to keep track of him for Blake... Now the gargoyle too encountered one of the mysterious parchments that still happened to lie around. He wasn't a good reader though, so deciphering and understanding the meaning of the message would take a considerable amonut of time.