[center][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/3o6MbhEln7WjAKiqkM/giphy.gif?cid=790b761118452d38b4e880296eb95d13d22420707d2308e4&rid=giphy.gif[/img][/center] [INDENT][sub][hr][/sub][color=white][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=gray][I]Rushford, Ohio -- O'Neal Family Tavern[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Date:[/b] [COLOR=gray][I]May 15th, 2019[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/color][sub][hr][/sub][/indent] [color=gray][indent][indent]Damien listlessly wiped the blood off his golf club with the bar´s napkins, steadily creating a pile of dark red and off white in front of him. He knew wetting them first would have probably been better than just rubbing the dry blood around, but this was about distracting himself. In the same building as him was every possible alcoholic drink he could have ever desired, but he wasn´t in the mood to take even a single sip. Damien the party animal, looking for the juice and water. Even he couldn´t believe it. It had been a few days since the world as he knew it ended, and the memory of seeing that first infected lumber out of the country club´s restroom carrying the limp body of an infant was still raw in his mind. Things had only gotten worse from then. Their elderly customers had been surrounded while on golf carts, slowly being mauled to death with no doors to protect them, with the few who managed to run damned by the open pastures. He and most of his young coworkers had managed to get away, but not without having left dozens behind. He wanted to feel bad, but it was survival of the fittest now. Damien now found himself in a bar alongside adults twice his age, planning their next course of action. Seeing them worry over their spouses and children made him feel strangely grateful for being just a teenager with a dysfunctional family. After the past years of falling out with his friends and dad, it was hard for him to say whether he really missed anyone. He sighed, at last satisfied with making his makeshift weapon partly silver again. [color=white]"The more we wait, the less they're gonna have for us,"[/color] he grumbled, [color=white]"[i]but,[/i] we're gonna bump into a lot more people that way."[/color] A smirk spread across his face as he stated the obvious. Would it [i]really[/i] be a good idea to barrel into the rest of humanity? From the drawn out divorce between his parents and the gaggle of teachers that made his old life hell, he had come to harbor contempt for his elders. These adults were different though. Rational, to his surprise. He had assumed that most people stopped thinking once they got comfy at their job and gave up on their dreams. The same couldn´t be said for the imaginary adults in his mind, however, all squabbling for resources in that park he never cared about. It was funny, the park his parents dismissed as entertainment for poor people was now his ultimate priority. He wondered if his dad would be able to swallow his pride and go as well. A part of him wished the old man was dead. [/indent][/indent][/color]