❂Name: Fraul Weiss ❂Class: Gravitin ❂Race: Nocturne ❂Appearance: A built but lanky teenager with a cuts and bruises decorating his back and shoulders standing at 6’5”. His face always furnishes a smile and black loose hair cut just around the shoulders. Fraul shares features with that of a wolf: ears, golden eyes, fangs, and a body that lined with muscles allowing him to take hits. [hider=Fraul] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/614925274231865404/614933192863908026/c8d648f91adf20491fd9a567f2de0d0f.png [/img] [/hider] ❂Character's Characteristics: As a child, he didn't get much love from his parents. He was only ever treated as a test subject- nothing more. As a result, Fraul became independent. Loves to hang with the crowd. Opens up to others with a similar past. Friendly but reserved. Slow to trust others. ❂Main Power(s): Can control gravity in an area up to the size of a football field. They can also move objects using telepathy. Lifting a car is doable but takes about a minute of focus. His limit peaks with heavy objects and/or long usage, leaving him faint and nauseous. ❂Backstory: Fraul’s parents were both human, biological scientists who only cared about their work. Their work consisted of attempting to provide those without powers the ability to get them. It wasn’t natural or humane. All sorts of creatures and animals were captured from their homes and were subjected to their trials. This was the start of something that consumed them. For Fraul, having a normal life was difficult. At a young age, Fraul became victim to his parent’s harsh treatment. As a result of these inhumane experiments, his body underwent a series of changes. Heightened hearing and sight accompanied with the development of his Nocturne appearance due to the earlier trails. During the final experiment just a few months before the Night Monarch attacked, Fraul developed his Gravitin powers.