After the little one gets comfortable Dorian shifts a little in the embrace until he feels settled enough to actually fall asleep. [i]'Is that, is he purring? I do believe he is. That is kind of cute. I do not recall ever purring, but then again I do not recall much from my younger years'[/i] with a murmuring sigh he relaxes and falls asleep with a fuss. The day passes, warming the room as the sun passes overhead. He had made sure that the inn he was to stay at had high buildings on every side so that no direct sunlight could find it's way inside, but none the less when James is disturbed by the growing light about halfway through the day Dorian wakes just long enough to pull the covers higher so he can rest more easily. The movement of a body crawling over his own wakes the elder from his deep sleep and he glances at the window. [i]'Sundown. He must not be one for sleeping in'[/i] Looking towards the boy it takes him a moment to realize that he's in stalking mode. Clicking his tongue lightly he sits up and walks up behind James. Wrapping an arm around his waist he pulls the newborn back against him and ruffles his hair. “Now now, we shall get something to eat soon, but first we are in need of clothing as to not draw too much attention.” Almost on cue there is a knock on the door and a voice calls out from behind it. “Mister Helvek. Sorry to be desturbin ya, but we have your clothes at the ready.” Not recognizing the voice he motions for James to stay put before going over to grab their robes. Handing James his he pulls his own on and ties it loosely. Opening the door he smiles down at the young woman with her arms filled with clothing. “Why, thank you my dear. You work here as well? I was of the mind that the fine woman at the front desk was the only proprietor.” The girl blushes and looks down. “I work here, only during the morning hours. Helping with the cleaning and errands and such. This is actually my last job today.” She looks up, smiling back at him before curtsying and walking off down the hall. With a chuckle he closes the door and moves over to the bed. Separating his clothes out from the ones he'd requested for James he pulls on his unders and pants before dropping the robe on to the bed. Making his way over to the fire pot the goes about starting a fire to burn the bloody clothes with before the woman comes up to clean the room and finds them. Speaking loud enough for James to hear he says, “We will go out and hunt together tonight. I shall teach you how to do so without drawing attention.”