[hider=Charlie] [CENTER][h3]C H A R L O T T E D E W I T T[/h3] [color=darkkhaki][sup][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yM3ouyQY9A&feature=youtu.be&t=57]"You want me to do what now?"[/url][/i][/sup][/color][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][sub][b]════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ════[/b][/sub] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][abbr=Original artwork 'Stefan 5' created by Victor Harris.][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9daf7de13b997530cd5d2747589c2ae8/tumblr_inline_p9tq7f1TMk1u17mn0_540.jpg[/img][/abbr] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [suP][b]════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ════[/b][/suP] [sub]🇬🇧 Charlotte Elizabeth DeWitt [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] 33 [b]|[/b] Female [b]|[/b] Caucasian [b]|[/b] Blood Type: A- [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Criminal Attorney[/sub][/center] [indent][SUB][b]▼ S K I L L S[/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Intelligence ► A quick learner ► Multi-lingual[/SUP] [SUB][b]▼ W E A K N E S S E S[/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Unempathetic ► Impatient ► Hot-headed[/sup] [SUB][b]▼ L I K E S[/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Exercise ► Reading ► Getting massages ► Traveling[/sup] [SUB][b]▼ D I S L I K E S[/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Coffee ► Dogs ► Traffic ► Unnecessary complaining[/sup][/indent] [/cell][cell][center][b][sub]══════ A P P E A R A N C E ══════[/sub][/b][/center] Fit and lean from years of exercise and proper dieting. Charlotte is a natural brunette, but she's had blonde hair for years now, making people give a double take whenever she shows them older photographs of herself. She is of average height for a woman, such genes passed down from her mother's side of the family. For the most part, Charlotte's body is tattoo-free, although she has a Latin phrase on the left side of her back underneath the shoulder and cherry blossoms wrapping around the outside of her ankle coming down over her foot. Charlotte also has a second set of piercings on her ears, although she doesn't wear the additional jewelry whenever she's at work. [center][b][sub]═══════ P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════[/sub][/b][/center] Charlotte is the typical, moderately arrogant attorney walking in and out of courtrooms as if she owned the place. She runs on her time, and anyone unable to keep up is left behind. Charlotte has very little patience for nonsense, and she will interrupt you and correct you when you're wrong. She works hard, but she plays just as hard. To balance her stressful career, Charlotte consumes edibles every now and then, although no one knows aside from a few select individuals. When she's high, Charlotte is a completely different person. She's friendly and easy-going, and people who've never met her would mistake her for a saint. [center][b][sub]═══════ B I O G R A P H Y ══════[/sub][/b][/center] Charlotte was born and raised in London to parents working the medical field, her mother a gynecologist and her father a trauma surgeon. She had a cushioned life growing up, especially being an only child. Charlotte was rarely denied any of her wants, but her parents were firm believers in punishment and thus she was a well-disciplined since infancy. When she was of school age, Charlotte didn't struggle through the transition. The school setting suited her, especially given that it was a private school, and she excelled in her classes and had a few select friends who were like-minded. But such friendships didn't last since the DeWitt family moved to Toronto, ON when Charlotte was 8 years old. The move was a bit of a stressful development for the young girl, but she coped with it and moved on rather quickly. Eventually, as she got older, Charlotte realized what she wanted to do the rest of her life and she set out to pursue such dreams. Upon graduation, Charlotte attended Columbia University in New York City. She had been awarded a scholarship and given that her parents were well off, she had her own apartment not too far from campus. It was during her college years she started experimenting with weed and loved the fact that it managed to wash away any stress she had. Charlotte kept this fact a secret, not even telling her closest friend a word. She knew that people her age gossiped like no tomorrow, and she wasn't going to make a mistake she would later regret. Once she attained her J.D., Charlotte accepted a position at a relatively new firm in NYC which was quickly growing. She stayed there for a few years before accepting another position at a much bigger firm, and she's been living comfortably ever since. Recently, Charlotte decided to take a vacation with a friend from work, and she's been at the resort for only two days.[/cell][/row][/table] [/hider]