Mercy to those innocents fallen today. Damnation to those who would slaughter so many. Alexa really didn't have much else to consider here. Or rather, she didn't want to consider the possibilities too much at the present time. For now, there was need to slay a foe, and a crude mask on one such corpse made it simple to determine what future enemies would look like. And, admittedly, brought a touch of relief, for it was clear that possession was not the cause of such devastation. The enemy in question arrived on the heels of a brigade of guardsmen. And, thank goodness, the guardsmen this time were seemingly on the side of the Imperium. Their foes, the heretics that had evidently brought such slaughter to this place, seemed... well, ineffective. Certainly not enough to break their morale, not with the Adepta Sororitas to rally around - and that, somehow, brought a touch of joy to Alexa's heart. They were symbols of the Emperor's might and righteousness - and, at Sister-Celestian Victorine's command, she brought her bolt pistol up toward the foes facing them. It seemed obvious that the biggest threats to guardsman and Sister of Battle alike were the flamers. Whilst it normally had her stand out from others, here Alexa's unusual height gave her the advantage of being able to see over the throngs, to identify those with flamers at the ready - and then, with a burst of pistol fire for each, to snuff them out before they could cause further harm, their masks shattered and their heads turned to paste by the bolt rounds detonating inside their skulls. Three trigger pulls, three dead heretics. Retaining the final round in the magazine for the moment, she quickly reloaded, hoping the rest of the heretics here could be quickly dealt with by her allies.