Suddenly bricks fly knock Flint and Karena off their feet. Rocks incase Sarah in rock armor avoiding Karena's lethal attack. Niles frown at all three. " Flint, Sarah, Karena. When the mission is over I am reporting all three of you to detention. Both headmasters will be pissed, knowing you practiced lethal force. Flint, Sarah, report back to extraction point no fighting then wait for orders!", Niles said. Niles grab Sarah's necklace from Flint. Niles run away continuing his mission. Sarah kick Karena off Sarah. Frowning, Sarah quietly leave the scene. Upstairs Melody kick Bruce in the shins. " I love being the villian, nothing is more fun than attacking who ever pisses me off.", Melody said. Bruce yell in pain. " I am going to get you!", Bruce reveal his conversion assult riffle. Bruce fires, Melody barely missed 3,000 zaps in one second. Melody look terrified. " 3,000 shots in one second automatic. Oh hell no!", Melody shout then start running away while Bruce slowly pursue her. " Get back here thot. I am going to turn you into my mindless obident little whore just for me, master's will be done only. Your former wretched cute ass will pop out five children looking like us eventually. You will be on your knees screaming yes master. When I'm done converting your ass bitch! The worst you upset us heroes the more pleasing submissive obident you will be!," Bruce mocked. "Noooo!", Melody screamed running away past Bless maybe Crystal. Bruce snarl. " Darn it my crotch still hurt. Team mates finish my plans for that cunt named Melody.", Bruce scorn