[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] [/center] [hr] At some point, Alistair had retrieved his phone, turned it on, and had been inputting something into it. He was still paying attention, however, and listening to the two young men was beginning to irritate the haughty man. [color=c1ba46]"Really? I'd have thought this week-long getaway might've helped you both get over that pessimistic attitude. You'd both be better off without it. You both did fine aside from tha----"[/color] Alistair then paused suddenly. [color=c1ba46]"Wait, it's only been a week?"[/color] he closed his phone. The realization dawned on him. What felt like months, or year even, had only taken place over the last week? What kind of bullshit was that? All of his suffering, all of his achievements... were made within the past week? He genuinely felt like more significant events happened here in this world than anything he'd ever experienced on Earth. How was that even possible? Truly, it took him by surprise. Well, no matter. What was important was his decision. Would he return to the life he once had, or stay here? Seemed like a rather obvious choice though. He looked at Sandra. [color=c1ba46]"Do you, or any of those others understand exactly what world I was stolen from? A convenient one, that's what. One with internet and air conditioning, with cars and cellphones! Much less random death and girls who can't appreciate my respectable dancing capabilities, too."[/color] he added pointedly. [color=c1ba46]"Still... I suppose I'll be staying behind."[/color] The obvious answer. Alistair Archibald was a man of his word. He did not intentionally break promises and he always repaid a debt, for not doing so is something only a coward would do. He prided himself in being much more than that sort of being. And with the promises he'd made, he was going to be here too long to return home. He still had that date with Captain Crunch that hopefully would end with his cheeks not being red and his abilities as a dancer not being questioned. He also had to repay Irene for her hospitality. And even the good doc, Donovan, hadn't been forgotten. Though of course the priority here was the promise he made to himself. [color=c1ba46]"Stopping the High Council is something I can get behind. They're not getting off so easily, not after what they've done."[/color] he eagerly awaited the day when they were no more. He couldn't imagine anything giving him more satisfaction. Alistair intended to hand his phone to someone returning to their world, as it now contained a message that would hopefully provide some closure to his family. Not that he cared that much about them, but it would feel wrong to just let them think he went missing. That would be leaving the wrong impression! Given that he'd never again turn up, they might get wrong idea that he was mugged and killed or some other unfitting death for a man such as he. Naturally, he wasn't returning home and it was HIS choice. He wrote some story about finding his true self by taking a lifelong journey or something. They probably wouldn't buy it, but he'd already written the story and he wasn't going to rewrite it for them. The reality was that this was just an excuse to send his phone back so he wasn't reminded of how inconvenient this world was in the future, anyways.