Nensu looked down at the ground, as she thought about her mother; about the pain she had been living in, at the hands of her husband, whom was to blame by the children for the hurt she put upon her twin sibling. The girl listened to the teen next to her, and she could only wonder of her carrier’s current wellbeing. Did she feel safe at the hospital? Is she coping? Was she ready to go home? Or...not at all? That last thought made her retreat into herself, seemingly feeling guilty. “She’, well, I honestly don’t know, Izuku. We haven’t seen her in years”. The dual-haired girl admitted, having to sadly sigh. “I remember...that she was very faithful, gentle, encouraging, and supportive. She believed in us; me and my brother. But, Endeavor...” She paused, flinching slightly at the name, having to keep her hold on his hand. “...he hurt her; hurt me, Shoto, and...well, you know the rest”. Momo sighed, before turning her head to look back at Hiems, giving him a sad albeit relieved smile at his efforts of reassuring her. “You may be right. We can only focus with our classes”.