[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190804/351759c40128409c49c3b04d671aef9b.png[/img] [sub][color=7ea7d8]Time ✒[/color] Evening [color=7ea7d8]Location ✒[/color] Home in Park view/Swan Songs Record Shop [color=7ea7d8]Mentions ✒[/color] [@Pilatus] [color=7ea7d8]Interactions ✒[/color] Felix, Tao's best friend.[/sub] [hr] [color=7ea7d8]"Come on Tao, you never do anything fun! Seriously, all you do is hide away in your room or eat the same boring food at the pub. You need to do something...adventurous! You need to put yourself out there, maybe meet a girl who doesn't mind your weirdness."[/color] A [url=https://i.imgur.com/TSX8YnY.png]Boy[/url] with bright blonde hair was laying on Tao's bed, his head hanging off one side as he stared at the geeky boy typing away at an expensive looking computer. He waited a moment to see if the dark-haired boy would speak before pouting, rolling onto his stomach and grabbed one of the pillows that rested against the headboard. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey, listen to me when I'm talking to you!"[/color] He cried and threw the pillow, the fluffy object hitting Tao in the head and then flopping to the floor. Tao let out an irritated sigh before pushing himself away from the desk, the spinning chair he was in sliding across the floor. [color=fff79a]"Can you not be annoying for one second, maybe then I would actually listen to the nonsense that came out of your mouth Felix."[/color] Felix continued to pout before he sat up, the frown sliding into a large smile before letting out a hearty laugh, [color=7ea7d8]"Nonesense? At least I have a social life. Come on Tao, you have to admit that you need to get out a bit. Don't you want a change of scenery?"[/color] Tao stared at his friend for a moment before rubbing his temples, he could already feel the headache coming on. But this was a good chance to get in a good moment with the other boy, he had to go out anyway so why not make it seem like he was indulging him? Tao got up form his chair and moved to his closet, opening the wooden door and rummaged through some clothing. [color=fff79a]"Fine, if it will get you to stop pestering me then I'll go. My sister was saying something about music at Swan Songs - I won't sing a damn thing but I'll go to at least watch people embarrass themselves."[/color] When Felix heard that he practically leaped of the bed, doing some dramatic spin before grabbing the hat that was lying on Tao's desk. [color=7ea7d8]"Sweet! I love karaoke so one of those people will be me - just don't laugh at me alright?"[/color] He said. Tao pulled a light sweater over his head and grabbed the backpack he always carried with him, slinging it over one shoulder before leaving the comfort of his bedroom. [color=fff79a]"I make no promises. Now lets go before you start bugging me again."[/color] Many people would think that the way Tao spoke to people, even Felix, meant that he didn't like anyone and he was generally an asshole...which they weren't wrong. However what most don't realize is that even though he act's like he's annoyed by his friend he would do anything to protect the one person who he can even remotely trust. Unlike the people who he worked for, he just hoped that his client today wouldn't be some idiot that wanted some more information. He was beginning to tire of basic tasks, he wanted something that would get his blood pumping. ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ It wasn't long before the duo arrived at Swan Songs Record Shop, Tao's eyes darted around at the people already trickling in. [i]Who would shop up?[/i] The thought was constantly in his mind as kept aware of his surroundings, following Felix as they found a spot to settle in. He waited a few minutes before looking to his blonde-haired friend, [color=fff79a]"I'm going to find something to drink, you want anything?"[/color] He asked needing the opportunity to get away. Felix thought for a moment before telling Tao that he just wanted a salted pretzel, the boy nodding before slipping away from his friend. As Tao stood near the bar he began to feel a tingling feeling through his body, it was anxiety. He was always like this when meeting clients, he never knew who was going to actually show up. While each person always had a different code there was always the chance that his antics could get back to the police. While he wasn't some big-time hacker he didn't seriously worry but again...there was always the chance. Tonight he wasn't even quite sure what his client wanted, they had simply called him with the code words and asked to meet. [color=f7976a][i]"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."[/i][/color] It was one of his favorite quotes by Stephen Hawking. If someone were to thread together all the code words he had given out they would all have one thing in common - they were all about intelligence. Tao prided himself on being smarter than everyone else, he saw things as a strategy game that he could always win. Perhaps it was why hacking gave him such a thrill - there was a chance he could lose. It wasn't like some fake fantasy where you could simply revive and start over. No if he lost it was game over, period. [/center]