[b]Donnie[/b] [b]Location: Intersection --> Following Nero[/b] [b]Word Counter: 349[/b] [b]EXP: +1. Current Total: 17/30[/b] The battle was going fine. Everybody was doing great, the giant zombie was being worn down. But Nero's robotic arm apparently doubled as a bomb of some kind, and Gene was getting uncomfortably close to that bomb. Donnie tried yelling at Gene to get the fuck away, but between all the gunshots, magical blasts, and being 120 feet in the air, it seemed Gene couldn't hear him. The bomb was beeping. Audibly. Why didn't he hear it? Was he that blind to his surroundings? He admitted that kicking the musclebound beast in the nuts was a nice touch (at least, that's what it looked like he was doing from so far up), but when the thing went off, he got rather concerned for his safety. Thankfully, he survived and Blazermate was patching him up. He was worried though. His First Aid knowledge had vanished, but he still knew enough about biological diseases to know that taking a beating like that would do a number on the immune system. Of course, Blazermate's medi-beam would be enough to heal him up, but it was already keeping the disease at bay. Overtaxing it like this could allow the disease to progress, however slightly. But what he was he going to do? Spam Vivify when his wounds were already healing by the second? He descended to ground level. What the hell was Gene wearing? Where did he keep that...bizarre thing? Did he have another magical bag? Where on Azeroth did he keep it, though? The man had no equipment other than the clothes on his back? And how did he change so quickly? He looked at the Tank's Spirit, floating in the air. He got off the platform and walked over to it. It gave him an idea to help Gene...but it was a long shot at best. And this Spirit definitely wouldn't do. Much too powerful for what he needed. It would be better as an item. So he crushed it and put it in his Luggage. Nero was moving on by now. He hopped on the Disc and followed after them. [hider=Note]Donnie crushed the Tank spirit for an item.[/hider]