If I can see it doesn't look human, I'll keep unloading into it until it either kills me or it stops moving, then I'll give it a few extra for good measure. If I'm trained military, I see no reason to assume I'd be in a panic, but let's roll with it. If the target is vague, what I do also depends on ROE and mission objectives. Cleanup duty? Fire without challenge. SAR? Call out to it, shoot it if it dosn't respond in at least a vaguely human manner. I wouldn't alert other units (if present), as warning them would give that thing plenty of time to scram or attack, neither of which I want. It's worth remembering that no trooper with an IQ of at least 70 would be alone. Worst case scenario, you'd have your buddy with you, if not your fireteam or entire squad. This is especially true in urban and generally close quarters combat. Cemeteries are full of lone wolves, and having someone with you boosts confidence. I might not be able to hit it, but the others significantly increase the odds of that thing going down. Regardless of whether I am alone or not, the question mentions a laser shot ((I'm assuming that's what a "laster shot" is supposed to be.)). Lasers are recoilless, making followup shots easier than with projectile weapons, which feels worth noting. Also, going into a derelict station without image intensifiers or at least a taclight is begging for trouble, and I can't think of a taclight that wouldn't reach as far as a human can sprint in a second or two. Seeing your target is half the fight. As the surrounding machinery is stated to be hot, I wouldn't use thermals, as the hot surroundings are probably going to be hotter than whatever the target is.