There didn't seem to be any sign of life from the outside of the forest, but once Iseldis and Roland descended into the depths of it that changed. The ground under their feet steadily shifted from hard rock to a softer wet dirt, nearing the consistency of mud. Before long her boots were starting to sink in a few inches with each step, and the ends of her robes were spattered with it. No avoiding that. "There's something foul in the air here," she said quietly. It reeked of magic, which wasn't surprising, given that this place was unlike anything she'd ever seen. But that magic itself felt sinister to Iseldis. If she had to guess, the dark elf had been frequenting this place for some time. Years, maybe. She prayed there weren't any more of her kind, or at least none they'd run into here. The only creatures she could hear were insects, an incessant buzzing and skittering that became noticeable when they entered the forest. High pitched whines of flies hovered around her ears before she swatted them away. Before long she began to get a sinking feeling, like they were being watched again. Before she only shrugged it off, but now it left her distinctly uneasy. "I'm not sure we're alone anymore. How far do you think it is?" They'd lost sight of the exit, but if it wasn't too far, there was a chance they could run for it before they dropped of exhaustion.