Gaul sits patiently on a nearby barrel while Blaze stretches out across the floor, and waits for him to get comfortable. Once asked, he jumps right into it. “What was that giant fox spirit back there at the mountain? Putting two and two together, it would have to be either you or your sister, but what exactly was it?” He pauses briefly, then continues. “It seems to be a rather powerful ability, but it was uncontrolled. Raw. Primal, even. Could it be controlled, or is it always like that?” He sighs. He knows how he sounds. “I’m not being judgmental, nor am I upset about it. I’m merely asking if I should be concerned, or if it’s nothing to worry about. We’re heading into likely hostile territory, on a plane we understand very little about. Hopefully the angel has discovered more than we have. Now that I have my full abilities again, I have the utmost confidence that we will prevail...whatever it is we’re supposed to be doing here, anyway. One king to another, I hope that you trust me as you trust your other companions. If I’m out of line, or ever cross a boundary with you, please let me know. I wish only to be useful to the group, not a hindrance.”