[b]Blaze[/b] I knew this was coming. It was just a matter of when. Gaul deserves the answer. Hell I'd be worried if he didn't ask. He's respectful of course. Doesn't make it any easier to answer. Every time I think about what could have happened... I take a deep breath and force control over myself. Force my pulse to stop racing, force my voice to be even. "That was definitely not me. It was my sister. What you saw was the Phantom Fox Spirit." I open one eye to peer at him before closing it again and continuing. " It can't really be controlled just...directed. There are two. The Phantom you saw is more about rampaging. The other spirit, the Wraith is more about deadly precision. Almost like the difference between a beserker and an assassin." It is a sufficient answer but it's not everything. I don't really want to continue but the rest comes out. "The spirits are driven by blood. The first state the Frenzied state, in this case, was to begin a blood letting. The more blood the more powerful the spirit." I shake my head. I didn't know she was building for the Fox Spirit because I didn't know she could access it. It's common practice for Honorbloods to Frenzy. Releasing the Spirit however... I can't help it and one fist clenches. "It's a miracle the thing didn't topple the entire mountain and kill us all with how much blood was in the air. It was probably due to my sister's near death exhaustion that it only lasted as long as it did. Considering how strong the smell of blood was the second we stepped foot on that cursed mountain, it was reckless and dangerous to start a Frenzy state."