[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383674146426454019/564874930773164080/Rebekah_Banner_Final.png[/img] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/4SoWajyn0q4zC/giphy.gif[/img] [@Plank Sinatra][@HereComesTheSnow] [@Write] [@Inkarnate] [@Altered Tundra][/center] [hr] The magazine ran dry too fast. Marcy had it ready in a heartbeat and soaring through the air towards her, effortlessly intercepted precisely the moment the previous one ran dry, ejected, and loaded so quickly it was as though the bolt never stopped moving. With her hands too quick to properly track maybe it didn't. She registered the portal, and the infinite enigmas beyond it, almost without a thought; delving into it was a recipe for madness even with her comprehension and the reality was simply that she did not care. Her goal had altered, that was all. Rather than strafe she centered her fire on its chest, and pulled down the trigger hard. Jet after jet after jet of fire shot forth, again, again, again, again thirty two times over. Every flame seared and scorched, a wondrous crescendo of mechanical precision and ignition again and again until the weapon cycled empty. Too fast. She snatched the last shell out of the air and laughed at Marcella's signature, spinning the emptied munition on her finger as she surveyed the battlefield. Time felt like a crawl after the high speeds she'd been experiencing only moments before, like almost everyone else was moving in slow motion. It was over too [i]quickly[/i], she was just beginning to enjoy herself. So long on that truck, surveying the scene, and the big finish would resolve so quickly? So easily? Laughable. She wanted [i]more[/i]. This fight, it didn't deserve to be called a battle, required no strategy anymore. It was a grand game that she had already won, the conclusion foregone before it even began. But it failed to satisfy her. It was to end, but how? What would be suitable? She could let Highwind and the arriving Kruger finish it, of course, they could do it easily; but where was the [i]fun?[/i] A hundred scenarios spun out within her head, the shell's spin as inexorable as that of the earth and almost as slow to her eyes. It was a matter of perspective, of course, the planet was indescribably fast. But so was [i]she[/i]. This captive audience to the grand spectacle and she was out of gas before the finale? [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBFtKow1Gw8]Blasphemous.[/url][/i] There were people to impress. There was something to [i]fight.[/i] Her decision was made in the fragments of a second between Kruger's kick and the clapping thunder, fingers deftly sending the shell arcing into the air to glint in the moonlight. The Daughter of Wisdom broke into a run, her soul soaring to untold heights on her brother's support and the rush of her own glee. Her feet hit the ground hard, then harder, then harder, the pace like machinegun firing notching higher and higher until the impacts rang out seventeen times faster than the click of her borrowed gun and the earth plumed behind her. One circuit around the truck, a second, a third, the empty kegs within distorting and breaking down into raw material and shaping themselves into links. Four, five, six and the chain lunged like a serpent into her hand coiling with a few flicks of the wrist tight around her wrist. The raven-haired curl hurtled out of the cloud, low and controlled, in a blitz straight towards the beast. Her manic laughter rang out like a battle cry as her muscled coiled and released again and again, dust rising like tracer rounds after every step slammed into the ground like a bullet. [i][color=cadetblue]Let's show you fast. You'd better say it, Dana-chan.[/color][/i] Her heart's four chambers roared, chest heaved, and her grin spread wider against the wind. There was no control, no need to calculate the next move, that was already done; she had mapped out all the angles, checked every possibility, and now there was nothing left but [i]action[/i]. Absolute certainty that her plan would work plagued with not a single doubt, simply determination. If this was how Jonas and Dana felt every time they fought, she could understand the need to find this joy as often as possible. The rush was indescribable. [i][color=cadetblue]Someone had better.[/color][/i] On her last stride her feet shoved off like a rocket, propelling her up and up and up as the coiled chain shot out like a parachute towards Highwind's hand. One of the only people who didn't move so sluggishly in her eyes, one hand left the hilt of his weapon and gripped the chain tightly. The movement was fast, even to her gaze, and she wondered if he even considered it. Their perceptions were so similar, but so different; he might not even have consciously grasped her plan, as she would, but she knew he understood anyway. But there was no time to ponder it not even for her. The climax was coming, the feeling the past eternal seconds had been building towards. Her outstretched fists crashed into the creature's chin with a sound like a highway collision and her momentum continued unimpeded, following the falling arc of the unbalanced beast into the void. For a few, precious miliseconds she hovered precariously close to oblivion. One mistake, one error, and the gratuitous, reckless blow could have been calamitous. She wasn't sure she had ever felt more alive. Then her feet connected with its face, completing her hundred and eighty degree rotation, and the chain around her wrist snapped taut yanking her back towards her allies with even greater force than her feet pushed off rocketing her the opposite direction back towards her friends. [i][color=cadetblue]Hayai![/color][/i] In truth, the danger was an illusion. Why be afraid of an illusion? Now Jonas just had to help her slow back down.