Karena raises a brow, ready to sass him to the moon. “First off, I consider myself a so-called ‘loser’ that knows that she already has the power to make her dreams reality, without freakishly unfair powers. Second of all, i already know how much Flint loves me, and if your so shallow as to measure your partner’s love by material things that rot and get thrown away, then I am sorry. Not that my love life is your business anyway.” She pauses to punch him in the gut, hard enough to knock a concrete pillar over, then stands over him. “Last but certainly not least, Flint is [i]mine[/i], so if [i]anyone[/i] lacks enough brain cells and has the audacity to look down at him, they have [i]me[/i] to deal with. And trust me, you [i]don’t[/i] want me to be your enemy. And to clear any confusion, the man can be a genius in bed and own the world, but if he’s not Flint, I’m not interested.” She walks off, seriously done with the conversion ‘master-mistress’ nonsense.