[center] [h1] Consquences [/h1] [/center] [hr] [color=plum]”Quickly Phoset, grab your things. Andromeda! Hurry darling.”[/color] Laurien said, rummaging through what was left of her belongings. The ones that hadn’t been burned, looted, or destroyed anyway. After the brief encounter with Karamir, and his escape, Laurien realized it was time to leave. If he survived… Even if he didn’t survive, someone would come looking for her. The man had been right about one thing, Abanoc would know, and he would spill her secrets. Her children scampered about, getting their meager items and throwing them into sacks. They could only take so much after all, she just hoped it would be enough. She had her own sack of items, from a few gold pieces to clothing and food. There was no time for anything else, she hadn’t even notified the slaves about the bodies yet. Her paranoia had finally caught up to her. “Mommmmmmy!” Andromeda whined, “Why are we leaving? I thought everything was safe?” She turned to see both her daughter and son waiting in the doorway, their eyes large and innocent. [color=plum]”Mommy… Mommy made a few mistakes, okay? And we have to go someplace far away, so we don’t get in trouble.”[/color] she said, shooing them downstairs. “But I don’t want to leave.” Phoset complained. [color=plum]”Pho, we don’t have a choice. I’m sorry. I know you like it here, but I promise, we’ll find somewhere new and great and we can start over.”[/color] she said, entering the garden. “But what about Omni and Polly?” Andromeda asked. “Shouldn’t we get them too?” [color=plum]”They’ll be okay. Do you remember Aster? Mommy’s friend? He’ll watch over them.”[/color] she lied. Aster lay dead on the balcony. She had no idea what the nobles would do to those children after they figured out she was gone. Nor did she care, they had to go. They passed the Pygmy and Dari girl, who cowered in a corner. Laurien gave them a side glance before saying, [color=plum]”Go home, don’t ever come back.”[/color] Before leaving them to their own business. They walked to the front door and out onto the street. Laurien bent down in front of them and said, [color=plum]”Now… We are going to fly, okay? Can you both do that? If you get tired, tell me.”[/color] They both nodded silently, soft smiles on their lips. They loved flying. Laurien then stood up, and looked up into the sky. With sword on her back and her possessions in hand, she began to float off the ground. Phoset and Andromeda, began following. A loud roar sounded off in the distance. From the horizon appeared a figure that was flying towards them extraordinarily quickly, and it was evident that despite the distance, it would close in on them soon. [color=6ecff6][i]Laurien...[/i][/color] The name rang in their heads menacingly, calling to them in a feminine voice. A few moments later, the creature caught up to them and began to slow down, circling them in the air. Its wings flapped occasionally to keep it aloft, its sky blue scales glittering in the sunlight, and perhaps would have been quite beautiful to watch were they not aware that they were in deep trouble. The serpentine dragon kept one eye on them at all times, particularly on Laurien. [color=6ecff6][i]You have much to answer for, Laurien,[/i][/color]” the voice rang again. Andromeda and Phoset clung to Laurien’s legs as they watched the dragon circle them. They looked behind her with wide eyes and shaky bodies. Laurien did not go for her sword, her heart sinking in her chest as she realized who was before her. [color=plum]”Holiness Arae… Please… Just let me explain…”[/color] she gulped, suddenly feeling very small. [color=6ecff6][i]The attempted murder of your father Orvus, the abandonment of your sister Arya, another attempted murder on Karamir… these are but a few of your crimes. What, praytell, is there to explain?[/i][/color] Arae asked her. [color=plum]”I… I…”[/color] she stammered, her heart beating through her chest. [color=plum]”Please… He took Silver from me… He killed her and didn’t even let me say goodbye… He-he made me an errand girl for years to find someone who he could have found himself if he had just gotten over himself.”[/color] she said, beginning to cry. “Mommy…?” Phoset said, grabbing her hand. [color=6ecff6][i]Your blame on Orvus for the death of Silver is unfair to him.[/i][/color] Arae remarked. [color=6ecff6][i]If I know him correctly, I’m sure he would’ve at least explained himself to you had you given him time. But you didn’t. In your grief, you tried to kill him.[/i][/color] [color=plum]”Unfair…? Was it unfair that she came back in the form of a person who wouldn’t even look at me? Who said we could never be together? Did you know that? Did you know that Li’Kalla lives again and that Silver is dead? How fair is that? How can you preach to me about what isn’t unfair when you did nothing when he attacked Phystene! Your sister! Or did you forget about that because I’m mortal and our crimes are more heavily weighed by you gods.”[/color] she said angrily. Phoset and Andromeda began to cry softly. [color=6ecff6][i]I did not go to Phystene when she needed aid, but that was because she already had it from other siblings. Orvus, though, was not so fortunate. When Orvus was still confused about his role in this world, and the rest of my siblings saw him as the enemy of Galbar, I was one of the few who met with him to help him. To keep him from causing harm to our siblings like that again, and guide him to a better path for himself. While he may have rejected me, the seeds were sown, and he found his path,[/i][/color] Arae explained. [color=6ecff6][i]As for Li’Kalla and Silver... [/i][/color] Arae went silent for a time, thinking about what to say as she received information from her Sphere. Finally, when she was sure of her info, Arae continued, [color=6ecff6][i]Silver was a fragment of Li’Kalla, and made the choice herself to reunite with her other fragments and return to being Li’Kalla. Orvus may blame himself for letting Silver go, but he is not responsible for her fate.[/i][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]And as for me… I will not deny that I have been a fool in the past,[/i][/color] Arae admitted. [color=6ecff6][i]I have made mistakes before, and will continue to make mistakes in the future. But those mistakes are ones I have faced and made my peace with. You, on the other hand… you chose to run. You ran away after nearly killing Orvus, and now you’re running away again. If this is the path you wish to take… then run. [b]Forever.[/b][/i][/color] Arae’s eye began to burst into flame. At the same time, a searing heat suddenly emitted from Laurien’s sword, and dissipated just as quickly. [color=6ecff6][i]I assume that is the blade you used to wound Orvus. In that case, it is a cursed blade, and will be made as such. As long as you wield that blade, you shall always be on the run. Tragedy will strike if you aren’t.[/i][/color] Laurien began to laugh wildly. [color=plum]”This is too surreal. You’re such a hypocrite.”[/color] Her demeanor then suddenly changed to anger. [color=plum]”All of you gods are!”[/color] she screamed, her hands balling into fists. [color=plum]”Of course you’d help him! But where was my help? Where were you? Another mistake huh? Now, to ease your guilty conscience, you curse me and my children. You’ll never understand! How could you even begin… No! No no no! This isn’t fair!”[/color] she growled again, her face contorted into rage. [color=plum]”Go on then. Leave us to our fate, like all of you do.”[/color] she said as he children cried. [color=6ecff6][i]This pains me as much as it does you,[/i][/color] Arae said glumly. [color=6ecff6][i]Still, I will at least tell you this. This curse is yours alone to bear. It will not affect your children, as they are innocent from your crimes. If you wish to leave them, I will swear on my word as a Goddess that no harm will befall them.[/i][/color] Arae then began to turn and leave. While doing so, she left some parting words for Laurien, [color=6ecff6][i]If you wish to break your curse, find peace within yourself. And go see Orvus when you do.[/i][/color] Soon, she was but a mere speck in the distance, flying out of sight over the horizon as quickly as she came. [color=plum]”Monster…”[/color] Laurien whispered as she watched the goddess leave. She suddenly deflated and floated back to the paved ground. It had all caught up to her… And now… She had to make the hardest decision of her life. She turned around to see Andromeda and Phoset, the two crying. Laurien gave them a small smile and wiped away their tears. She voice was shaky as she spoke. [color=plum]”Listen… Mommy… I have to go away.”[/color] she said crying. Their faces suddenly shattered and both gripped onto her. “No no no! Mommy please, don’t go!” Phoset cried out, his small voice quivering. “We’ll go with you! Please let us go with you!” Andromeda said. Laurien shook her head. [color=plum]”No babies… You could get hurt… I could get hurt and who would protect you? Running forever is no life. You’ll be safe here, I promise. Andromeda you need to be strong, for your brother. Phoset, listen to your sister, be good to each other. I’ll be back one day, I promise and we’ll be happy, okay?”[/color] she said softly beginning to stand up. Phoset would not let go of her leg as he cried out for her to stay, prompting Andromeda to pull him off. Laurien looked down at them, her soft facade beginning to break. [color=plum]”I love you. The both of you, so, so much. Okay?”[/color] before turning around and flying away. It was then, and only then, that she broke down completely as her heart shattered. And for once… The only person she could blame was herself. Phoset and Andromeda cried out her name, but it was too late. She was not coming back. The two children were alone, like two sheep in a city of wolves. But at least they had a god protecting them… Right? Up above, the first Meteor streaked across the sky. [hider=summary] Laurien and her kids are trying to make a break for it to leave Laurienna because she’s paranoid AF and they almost get away with it, but Arae shows up and they have a discussion. In the end, Arae curses Aaldir, Laurien’s sword. Laurien then leaves her kids behind because, such a life of endless running is not for them. [/hider] [hider=MP] Arae: 1 MP spent (discounted to 0 MP by Hearth portfolio). Censure Laurien’s sword, turning it into a cursed item that summons fiery creatures to attack her if she stays for at least one day in an area. The longer she stays, the stronger and more quickly the creatures appear. When she leaves, the creatures dissipate into nothing, and the curse is reset. MP: 9 | FP: 16 [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Laurien; Lady of Laurienna, Warrior. +9 Prestige Starting +1 Prestige for Minor Role +1 Prestige for Major Role +1 Prestige for Jolly Collaboration = +12 Prestige Ending [/hider]