[hider=Timothy][b]Name:[/b] Timothy Greenwood [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]History:[/b] Timothy was born to a large, poor family, somewhere on the border of the Dremorian empire. The family stole to get by, moving as a unit to get what they could. Every day his parents expounded to him the evils of the empire and its dictator, but even as young as he was then, he had trouble believing them. When he became a teenager his parents sent him towards Volstryggr. They were sending him there for a special task, or so they said. They told him to find a particular person, and that everything would be clear once he did. They arrived at the city soon enough, but shortly after entering the city proper, his parents disappeared. Timothy looked for the people they told him to find, but it was soon clear that there was no one of that name living in the city. He waited for his parents to come back, but no one came. It was then that young Timothy decided to take life into his own hands. He lived as he usually did, stealing to get by, but he tried his best to find out about the world around him. And the more he found out, the more his curiosity grew about Volstyggr. Eventually, he decided to act on his curiosity. Chief among his interests were the workings of the city's Sentinel protectors. To that end, Timothy stalked patrols and watched for a place where he could find answers to his questions. He found a location that seemed promising and made plans to break in. Taking advantage of a city-wide festival, he stealthily entered the facility and came face to face with a sentinel. Surprised by the appearance of the object of his curiosity, young Timothy paused for a moment to admire the form of the magical construct. The Sentinel propmtly flattened the boy's face for trespassing. Timothy awoke in a prison cell. As he had been caught sneaking into government property, he was to be charged with burglary and possibly espionage. Fortunately for him, in his brief moments of contact with a Sentinel he had managed to form a bond with it. He had 2 choices; he could accept imprisonment - possibly for life - to answer for his crimes, or he could pay for his transgressions through community service, as a Sentinel handler. Timothy's choice was obvious. And thus, the boy became a Sentinel handler, contributing to the peace of Volstyggr, for the benefit of its people. [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*][u]Stealth[/u] Timothy can be very difficult to detect when he needs to be. He makes minimal noise while moving, pays close attention to how he might be seen, and can even take measures to mask his scent. [*][u]Thievery[/u] Timothy is well versed in the art of lockpicking, pickpocketing, forgery, and other skills related to thievery. [*][u]Perception[/u] Timothy has honed his senses over years of practise, and can pick things up better than average humans. As well as that, his reaction speed is well above average. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][u]Combat[/u] While Timothy's reaction speed is good and his dexterity can't be written off, he has never been particularly good at fighting. His aim is good so he favours ranged combat, but he is particularly inept in melee. His strategy in a battle is, more often than not, to either run away or let the Sentinels handle it. [*][u]Social situations[/u] Timothy's upbringing make him ill-suited for socialising. He can talk to simpler people just fine, though to others his reactions may seem a little off. He has no real filter on his thoughts, so he may say rude things to people without thinking about it. He knows when to talk and when not to, for the most part, but he nonetheless has no real talent for conversation. [*][u]Literacy[/u] Though Timothy can just about read, his normal handwriting is effectively illegible. [/list] [b]Sentinel:[/b] Galatine [b]Extra:[/b] Timothy's appearance is completely average for one of his social class, with so few distinct features that he's rather forgettable. He spends his spare time walking the city, sometimes bringing food to stray animals.[/hider]