The eyes of the axe wielding warrior upon whom four combatants were clumping upon flitted between each target despite the seeming blindness of one, visualising angles of attack and retaliating strikes and their possible opportunities. This man was by no means inexperienced. Yet despite the ability to know something was coming, all good it served him was being able to mitigate some of the force behind the strikes rather than block them in their entirety. There were simply too many to work with for the battling to proceed favourably for the hide wearing cultist who bit his teeth together as weapons struck together and some strikes even drew blood. He grunted as the first bleeding cut was cut and spat out a curse as the insults of the halfling sunk into his mind. He turned his good side towards Parum for a moment, shooting her a quick glare before baring his teeth and picking an actual target for his attack. That would be the one who had just opened himself for one. The axe was swung at Orchid, it cutting through the air towards the barbarian's naked chest. The lack of confidence inspired by the bard's interrupting magic did not manage to quell the sheer destructive power of the large weapon, the sharpened edge of the axe sinking into the skin and hitting bone, the tassel attached to the weapon's tip slapping the berserker in the face before the force of the impact would truly register through the man's rage, one pouring forth from primal instinct. "You wait for your turn halfling, and we'll see about that!" the warrior fired back with his successful attack, his stare stuck on the target he'd just hit, just waiting for the male's eyes to roll back in his head. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The remaining axe-wielder fails his saving throw against Parum's [i]Vicious Mockery[/i] by being one entire digit off with his roll of [url=]12[/url]. He picks Orchid as his target, again neglecting to be reckless in his own strike, the disadvantage of the mockery and the advantage granted by Orchid's use of Reckless Attack cancelling each other out. His attack roll comes up as a [url=]natural 20[/url]. The damage of the critical strike equals [url=]14[/url] slashing before reductions, which I believe will be knocking Orchid out. Be advised [@Lucius Cypher]. Next up we have Brannor, locked in duel with Cyanwrath. The stage is yours [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]. [/hider]