[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190825/91f242770139f308d5cf2b0595ed504e.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190825/fb9181920ed27513e2ebb36d3ad1d53a.png[/img] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6305/8ce8d5d0e329f83a97592ce2b70e467bbe100b53_hq.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Letter to a Unknown Blade] [i]First off, stop sending me letters. We have discussed, up and down, the merits of the Emperor being under some kind of magical, daedric, or even Dragonborn soul related influence. Enough is enough. His mind is well and if his methods are cruel, unusual, or even heavy handed, well, we are The Blades, sometimes protectors of the Empire, but also often assassins and spies under his command. His Nordic descent changes nothing. We take orders. If those orders bring us to cutting down radical elements in Elswyr, Hammerfell, or even the Oblivion damned Valenwood, well, you knew what we signed up for. No on said being a blade was easy or simple. Beyond that, your suggestion that we form a counter-blades, that we abandon our duty to find the true heir...no. No, this cannot be done. I won't report you, The Seven knows that if I were to report every Blade that brought such concerns to me, we'd have lost countless to the headsmans axe. What I suggest, for your sake, is to focus instead on influencing matters in Cyrodil. The Blades are well respected and I hate to admit this, feared. Keep to the faith, Grandmaster Delphine[/i][/hider]