[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882221087784970/OhannakeloiSymbol2.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882185767550998/ohanna1.png[/img][/center] [sub]About 45 years from the Soul Heist[/sub] [hr] The Ihomakwoi had swung far to the west, both to avoid the Eye of Desolation and concerns of division among the Nebulites but also that Ohannakeloi thought a westerly approach to the final destination would be most effective. The journey had been uneventful after the communications difficulties had been worked out between the Vallamir and Nebulites. Over Atokhekwoi now they approached the western mountain ranges. Solun spoke, “Divine Ohannakeloi, the Nebulites and the Vallamir have gathered on the walls as you requested. May I ask, for what purpose are they there?” [color=D8CCBA]“You will see when we cross over the mountains.”[/color] After that the Nebulite fell silent, waiting with the deity. Aefsige soon ascended up to the top of the tower, they had both become somewhat useful servants to Ohannakeloi, others tended to listen to them when there were any issues. It was something to think upon certainly. Solun caught Aefsige up on the extent of what was learned, and the two sat in to wait with the Divine Crab. The Ihomakwoi was flying lower than the mountain peaks, significantly so as to obstruct the view beyond, it could fly higher, of course but that was evidently not desired by Ohannakeloi. As the flying keep finally came close to the mountains it rose above, showing the view beyond. An enormous river stretched off into the distance, many other rivers and streams from the mountains could be seen but this was larger than any other. Many smaller bodies fed into it, they could not even see its end. The land was covered in trees, a vast forests, the only interruptions being where it grew too steep for uninterrupted coverage, or where a river flowed. Ohannakeloi spoke out to the masses along the walls. [color=D8CCBA]“I have come to realize that my keep may not be big enough for the population that I have brought to it. Thusly I have instead brought all of you to a new homeland along the great river Ihemol that you see before you. This is not the end of my gifts onto you all, Vallamir and Nebulite alike.”[/color] The Ihomakwoi flew over the grand river, following down into the immense valley between the ranges of the western mountains. Ohannakeloi resumed speaking, this time with his words came divine power echoing knowledge into the heads of all those assembled. [color=D8CCBA]“I grant onto you powerful knowledge for living in the lands below, although the Nebulites know the secrets of stone working now the Vallamir will as well. More importantly is new knowledge known to neither people, the proper management of fire for grand many uses, the usage of clay to make ceramic materials, knowledge of engineering of structures, as well as important knowledge of the effects and usage of plants and materials you may find here to make medicines, knowledge of hygiene to ensure good health and good conditions, knowledge of the tanning of animal hide to make leather and finally knowledge of the making of tools for the proper application of all that you know.”[/color] Ohannakeloi spoke into the stunned silence as the Ihomakwoi flew on, [color=D8CCBA]“Nebulites still have more knowledge of farming and woodworking that the Vallamir should endeavor to learn if you wish to do well in turn. However, I will now say this. Three Days. These next three days shall be a celebration before you will commence work to make your new home along the banks of the Ihemol. On the fourth day you will be joined by other servants of mine and you will find the grand task ahead of you lessened with their help. Rejoice!”[/color] Ohannakeloi turned to Solun and Aefsige, [color=D8CCBA]“Open as many of the wine jars as necessary, the Ihemol is clean enough to drink from should need water, I will be gone for the three days to gather some of my other servants, see to it that all goes well here.”[/color] Affirmations were granted as both went to try to organize the chaos that came from the divinely-ordained party. The Ihomakwoi had settled upon the eastern bank of the Ihemol, near where it was joined by another river which was given no name before Ohannakeloi left the expanding revelry in the Buajaoi. [hr] Hase never slept well, he had taken up a great deal of influence being the only real authority from the first ones in the north west, Ihokhe was here somewhere but he had disappeared, only faint traces could be found, a conversation there, whispers of a legendary founder of the entire people. It didn’t matter really, the others of course led the Ihokhetlani to the far corners of Atokhekwoi, to the glory of Ohannakeloi. It was a large responsibility and he never knew if he was doing right in the guidance of Ohannakeloi, he prayed but gotten little in terms of direction even if answers were given. He lay troubled, one word woke him quite quickly. [color=D8CCBA]“Hase!”[/color] Stood before him on a pillar of stone was his God, Ohannakeloi, looking far more magnificent than he remembered, Hase rolled into kneeling before him. “Ohannakeloi you have returned to us!” His face stayed facing downward but he could hardly stay completely respectful, to be woken by ones God was quite an excitement, he hoped Ohannakeloi would understand. [color=D8CCBA]“Yes I have, after far far too long I should say. There is much to tell, but there are some other followers of mine that you will need to meet, and they are in need of guidance.”[/color] “Lead the way, Blessed Divine Ohannakeloi. Are they far?” The Ihokehtlani priests that had stayed with Hase began to wake, and quickly awakened others and moved into reverent positions as they could manage. [color=D8CCBA]“Not too far, I will walk with you, there is much to speak of.”[/color] [hider=Summary]Ohannakeloi summons all the Nebulites and Vallamir, tells them all he is gonna settle them along a big river he found. Blasts a bunch of knowledge into their minds and then tells them to party for three days. Ohannakeloi then leaves to get some Ihokhetlani, goes to Hase and his bunch, tells them that they are heading to this river and some cool folks and they begin to catch up.[/hider] [hider=Might Summary] Start: 10 mp 15 Fp Spent: -1 Teaching Hygiene practices to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching Fire and its management to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching Medicine practices to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching Ceramic production practices to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching Engineering practices to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching Tanning to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -1 Teaching specific tool making to quickly make use of previous amounts of knowledge to the combined Vallamir and Nebulites -0 (Discounted by Stone) Teaching stone masonry to the Vallamir End 10 mp 8 Fp [/hider]