Silently, Ivaran watches the half-elf. Korrevene adjusts herself, dark green head emerging from under the blanket. One studying her closely might notice the clear, glass-like spines along the sagittal crest of her spine and skull. Merely glancing at her, though, would be distracted by the way the edges of her scales seem to shimmer as light hits them. [color=CAE6B3][i]Because I am small, and busy. As such, I needed sleep.[/i][/color] The little reptile says this gracefully, matter-of-factly. [i][color=B2FFFF]She swam in the water and tired herself out[/color][/i], Ivaran translates. Korrevene glares at him. Sharp green eyes follow the key, then make steady contact with Bellamy's own gaze. His expression is amused, almost, if not slightly quizzical.