[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/81cfed06b2b69570b64a582c703c51ec/tumblr_n9arqln4yD1qj06c7o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] The Wizard Tower -- The Castle [color=pink]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] He sighed, relieved that the doors opened but he wasn’t relieved for long. Blaise Rowland walked out and looked at them all. His steely gaze settled onto Cuyler and the man hadn’t felt so low before. He bowed his head, looking away from the man as he was talked down to. He felt he deserved some of this but he had come back. He had felt Arya and felt as he had when first laid eyes on her. That had to mean something right? Cuyler would tell Rowland that, that would mean something to the man who was rooting for and helping him win Arya over. Cuyler looked back up when Halley took over the conversation, explaining why they were here and what they needed to do, despite Rowland saying he was not allowed in. He shot Arnora a look when she suggested they leave Cuyler behind. No, he couldn’t help them get inside but he could help with Loki. That much he could do. Cuyler looked back at Rowland to plead for his case when he stopped short. He pushed past Arnora, standing right in front of Rowland but he wasn’t looking at Rowland. No, he was looking at what Rowland was wearing. His robes were purple and Rowland hadn’t worn purple for quite some time. Noise seemed to fade and there was an eerie stillness around Cuyler. [color=pink]”Why are you wearing those?”[/color] His voice was low as he questioned the man. Cuyler was putting himself in active denial as he finally looked into the man's eyes. [color=pink]"Blaise, why are you wearing those?"[/color] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/32c2a67edf8b7fb738f958646b77aedf/tumblr_nbd094QLTJ1rj0j5eo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color] The Crypts / [color=#006400]The Barracks ---> Front of the Palace, Outside -- The Palace[/color] [color=#006400]Skills:[/color] Resistance; Stamina; [/center][hr] Titan remained silent as they walked. His words would not be appreciated here. Titan had nothing good to say about anything at the moment. He was simply doing his duty. They made their way into the crypts. He was looking around when he heard the scream. Titan watched the vampire lunge at Luna but he missed luckily. Titan moved quickly, putting himself in front of the Princess. He was grateful for retrieving a sword for it allowed him to make the strong swipe with both hands and take the head off of the vampire. The body dropped instantly while the head flew and rolled after hitting the ground. Titan watched the thing with dead eyes. “Anyone have any fire on them?” Amarantha sighed but shook off the fact that she would be stuck like this forever. [color=#006400]”Well, work on something that allows for me to drink something other than blood to stay alive, would you?”[/color] As for the other stuff that the Castle would rebuild and this was not the lowest point of the Castle made Amarantha relax a bit but not by much. She couldn’t prevent nothing from happening to the Castle and that was perhaps more frustrating than being able to save it. They all had a long journey ahead of them and they weren’t immune to anything anymore. They were weak now. Fair game for other lands to come and attack them and they were on shaky terms with the SnowPlains and Lost Nights. As they made their way to the front of the Palace, Amarantha kicked something that made a couple ringing sounds as it was banged up against debris. She walked over and picked up. She turned the ring over in her hand and glared at the thing. She clasped her hand around it and squeezed. [color=#006400]”It seems the Eastern SnowPlains have been here. Wonderful.”[/color] She looked around the courtyard. There were dead bodies everywhere and people were starting to clean them up. Amarantha went over to a servant and questioned if they had moved someone with Mona’s description. If it was true they would have to go about finding the chains the old fashion way. Or suck it up and find the royals. Amarantha wasn’t too proud to admit she was avoiding looking for them. Not that she feared them dead but for fear of what they would do to her now that she was a Biter. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8766e57297d1267e520620279b2db197/tumblr_pn9zcg7JPv1unq7k1o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location:[/color] The Future Palace [color=#1E90FF]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] Ahote frowned at the man who was only growing more frustrated with the lot of them. It was equally frustrating to be told there was nothing to be done and yet none of them were speaking with attitude. [color=#1E90FF]”I am certain we would all like to return. Please bear with us as we still have a hard time understanding that there is nothing we can do to save our home from something your people will bring upon us.”[/color] Ahote looked at Myrus and laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder. They would try everything they could to postpone or stop this. There was more than one Asgardian they could talk to back at the Castle. Their time was now up though as the ground shook underneath Ahote’s feet. He turned and looked behind him, seeing a 17 foot Frost Giant approach rapidly and pick up Mona. She looked so small in the giant’s hands. Ahote turned to face the thing and looked up at it. There was only one of them, for now. They could most likely get away with taking it out together. [color=#1E90FF]”Mona, if you have any power, I suggest you use it now! Even if it’s the power of persuasion.”[/color] He looked behind him at Bruce. [color=#1E90FF]”Are you able to help with this and bring all of us home or should we solve this without you for the time being?”[/color]