[@Bloodwolf 2] It is unclear whether Fodlan even exists in this universe, so you can change that little bit to being from a faraway land, or even from one of the nations overseas. The land of Alba does have it's own religion too, so perhaps that's also worth reading. If you have questions about the clergy I can answer those. I've yet to add the details of the clergy culture, but assume it works similarly to how religion worked in medieval Europe, but has less power. I can see the angle you're going for, but only thing I'd cut out is him being already an expert assassin of some repute. You are starting off as a starting class. I urge you to look at the list of classes, and look over the character sheet once more. It's a bit too early to be making characters who are already strong, so to speak. As stated in the rules you can create more characters as the RP goes on, and that would be your chance to make a character who arrives already quite strong.