I forgot I never actually responded to this. Heh. Think we should get the search party ready to rescue him? xD Yep! *Grins.* I'd been waiting sooooo long to get that bit of info out there! It was almost painful keeping it inside. :lol I'm thrilled you like that tidbit! [Hider=Ch. 1] Admittedly, I was quite fond of that quote too. Glad I wasn't the only one! :lol Really, again, wow! I'm soooo happy you liked those first couple chapters so far! Yeah, where all of that came from has been mulling around in my head since around the beginning, so it's nice to get it out and solidified. Hmm. I bet Hatter would get along well with Emma. 'Cause I'm a writer: [img]https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1533/59/1533595696716.gif[/img] I honestly kinda hope I get the reason/inspiration to write a bit more for some of the council at some point. There was actually one member absent. He was on a different errand. ;-) And the banter of besties! xD[/hider] [hider=Ch. 2] I’m curious: you’re using “fluff moment” to mean a sort of cutesy, light-hearted scene, right? ^.^ I’m glad you found them so adorable! I guess being forced to be around a bunch of kids fairly often before moving came in handy. Plus some random research. Yeah, ‘clingy’ definitely describes little Elayra! And glad I was able to do little Ghent justice! Nope, Soren’s a random kid who came in with the rest of the townsfolk for safety. Thanks for adding the random/scattered thoughts! And, well all of what you've written/said about it. I always love hearing/reading your reactions to things. And yep, Hatter knows many languages! Aww! Thank you so much! It’s been my pleasure. I’ve enjoyed writing it out. If nothing else, it’s good for practice. And thank YOU for being a part in this! It honestly wouldn’t have built up so much if you hadn’t gotten involved with it. It’d probably be another single idea in a random document somewhere gathering virtual dust.[/hider] Aaaand still need to get that extra section up for Hatter's book. But LAZY on that front. On a random note, since I doubt it’s information he’d find out unless he brings it up, what Ghent perceives as warts in the jerky is actually hardened pockets of certain nutrients that welled up during its curing process. He doesn’t know that, but doesn’t mean you can’t. :-) And so you know, if he’d have noticed what Elayra did, Ghent’s cloak also has the hidden slits in the back. Though, it’d probably be big enough on him for him to just drape the cloak over his backpack, too.