[quote=@Chrononaut] What did they actually say? Nothing in the resetera posts was actually transphobic (though, I will say, the insinuation that people are trying to make their babies trans is definitely a form of trans panic). They were discussing an issue, not saying that trans people or feminists should die. Edit: I guess for example, in one statement they said it was odd that videogame addiction is classified as a mental illness and being trans is no longer a mental health disorder. One trans person chimed in and said that was hilarious to them (because they have mental issues), and they talked about that. When you have people who are actually trans agreeing with your statement, even if its just one trans person, that doesn't make you horrible to have your ideas supported. Edit v2: I think the gender role shit is dumb too, but I don't really care that much. It's such a common opinion, men vs women biology, stupid to get mad over it. [/quote] It all takes a bit to read into since a lot of bigoted views are hidden in bad faith, lies, and dog whistles, so I can try to seriously analyze it. For starters, all of the SJW comments: SJW is a notorious dog whistle. Like all dog whistles, usage of it doesn't mean much, but when you compound it with other things, it gets bad. The characterization of SJWs as this very angry force of sad people who just want to be powerful on the internet is a big red flag. The "trans kids" arguments is a notorious right-wing lie and bad faith argument. If someone is telling you that the "SJW" or whatever they call them want parents to force their children to be trans, then that's 100% a lie propagated by bigots and the ignorant. The entire cusp (and common view) that is held is that children shouldn't be treated gendered. IE, since you're a boy you have to play with cars, wear blue, and do all of that stuff. Let children play with what they want to play with. The 'there is no feminist slant' in this game comment from one of the lead devs is a dog whistle. The statement itself is rather inert from an objective reading; it merely says that there is no feminist ideals. However, compound it with other things and the statement becomes a bit more sketchy. By using the word slant, you're essentially implying that feminism is bad. Slant is a very negative word in common usage. Then when Randy Pitchford (bless the piece of condensed coal that forms his fake, lizardman heart), said that Duke Nukem needed a paradigm shift in gameplay for modern audiences, they instantly went on the defensive. Rather than say that old school shooters were good and cool, a dev instantly went to "make duke an SJW", which is completely off topic for a quick jab at the invisible SJW menace. The lead dev talked about some SJWs doxxing. Doxxing is a bipartisan (har har) issue. Both the mythical chud and the fantastical SJW doxx people. By his statements, he's implying that only SJWs doxx people. Then there were his comments about the slut walk. The dude actually didn't understand the difference between a woman [i]choosing[/i] to look a certain way without being harassed versus a fictional character [i]designed[/i] by someone looking a certain way. There is no hypocritical view on disliking the design of certain fictional characters and allowing women to wear what they want without being harassed. Believing that someone couldn't hold the two views is indicative of bad faith. A quick view of their twitter shows that the [i]official[/i] Voidpoint twitter follows a bunch of bad actors that also fight against the SJW menace. They retweeted Lauren Southern on the official account. [i]Lauren Southern.[/i] I wouldn't even retweet her on my sneaky fake account. Then there's the dev who was pretty homophobic back in 2011 on Duke4. It was over 8 years ago and people can change, but dying on a hill slightly left from your poop mountain is not a good look on the idea that people change. And for the tipping point (it was a bit buried a ton of pages in) here: another dev went for the HUGE bad faith argument of "the gov't is pushing a law that allows any surgery of trans kids of any age without proof" which is a huge push of lies from transphobic people. It's a massive dog whistles because, like before, none of it refers to gender reassignment surgery or things of that ilk. They're referring to [i]hormone blockers.[/i] Something with a considerably low risk and does not cause permanent effects. At best, they fall HARD into the anti-SJW rabbit hole which is a horrible look. If you take any statement as a single view, it's not so bad. Mostly ignorance with a touch of bigotry. But when you compound all of this stuff? Def. not a good view on the people in your company.