[color=89cff5][i]The most capable bioweapon in our world... fears pain from data collection?[/i][/color] Lyre blinked dully. [color=89cff5][b]"As I said,"[/b][/color] she replied, [color=89cff5][b]"additional scans. They're for your own good."[/b][/color] The scientist dropped most of her tools on the ground, leaving in her arms only a very large stethoscope. If Tyssa would let her, she would take her heart rate and observe breathing. [color=89cff5][i]I thought this wouldn't be a problem. Why is this thing so mentally unstable? A couple extra steroid compounds here and there shouldn't cause [b]this[/b] much trouble.[/i][/color] She had engineered countless reactions in this bioweapon. It should have been perfect. From what Lyre had already seen of its physical capabilities, it really looked good—superhuman strength and agility, high intelligence, and a docile nature when idle. The problems Lyre saw were technically just details she hadn't bothered to predict. So she pushed away the unsettling feeling in her stomach. Meeting the specimen's gaze, Lyre stated, [color=89cff5][b]"Now stand still."[/b][/color]