[@JrVader] Gabe looked expectantly at Lucian to see if Lucian wanted to stop by Gabe's house first or wanted to go straight to his own property. Gabe hoped the property was in good shape and had some basic appliances at least, Lucian didn't look like had a lot of stuff with him. --------------------- Sarah walked to the research facility, although most just called it lab. It was time to get an assignment from the professor. If she wanted to graduate as a pokemon researcher she needed to do several pieces of research. Assignments given by teachers or professors would give her the points needed. She walked inside and looked around, she heard someone asking if the professor needed a Ranger for anything. Since the Ranger had already asked for Professor Maple's attention Sarah supposed this was the best moment to ask for the assignment too. By the sound of it, it was laboratory 1 they were in. Sarah had been in the lab a few times before, helping with small bits of research for her study, so she knew the professor a bit. "Professor Maple? Sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if you have an assignment for me for my study?" Sarah asked politely while she glanced at female Ranger.