[center][h3][color=olivedrab][b]Player / Character List[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [b]Einkil Torunn,[/b][color=cccccc] a friendly hill dwarf who makes ~moonshine~ from local wild swamp produce [/color][@Necroes] [b]Karlin Vicorin,[/b][color=cccccc] half-elf inheritor of Ye Olde 'Magic' Bookstore and owner of the cat Yardstick [/color][@Lusus Naturae] [b]Jhank,[/b] [color=cccccc]the sincerest lizard folk you ever did meet, who also runs Swampmuck's only forge[/color] [@Lugia] [b]Bartholomew Strongheart,[/b] [color=cccccc]the most darn tootinest friendliest human bartender, who knows everyone who's everyone [/color] [@rush99999] [b]Dreeda Brom,[/b] [color=cccccc]the aspiring Verdan tinkerer with an ambitious and adventurous spirit[/color] [@Cao the Exiled] [b]~, [/b][color=cccccc]A half-orc cattle breeder who aspires to make the best cheese ever.[/color][@Lucius Cypher] [center][h3][color=olivedrab][b]Homes & Buisnesses[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=cccccc][@Necroes] Einkil's burrow is a abysmal mudfloor hut outside of town near the swamp. It has nothing of interest to it. There is no brewing stand or secret tunnel to a willow glade here. [@Lusus Naturae] Ye Olde 'Magic' Bookstore is around the size of a small one storey house and has been in the family for a few generations. It can be found on the outskirts of Swampmuck's village square, and has a plethora of reading material that will leave you ~enchanted~. [@Lugia] The forge, found on the village square. The actual forge itself can be found outside the door, while the stone building has a few low quality items for sale inside. Jhank's living quarters are pushed up behind the counter. [@rush99999]The Adamant Tankard has been owned by the family for generations since the founding of Swampmuck and owes it's name to a precious family heirloom. It can be found off the Town Square. The Tavern is a bigger then average in Swampmuck, standing at 3 storeys, with a large firepit, regular hogroasts, wood floor beer garden, kitchen, pantry, cellar and several bedrooms for paying guests. It has a selection of meals, Home Brew drinks and Local Brew drinks, most of the latter provided by Einkil. [@Cao the Exiled][url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/52b77e780de71731d6c130efac0230ea/tumblr_p7ezyvwrhZ1wbpf1mo1_1280.png]Dreeda's hut[/url] can be found on the outskirts of Swampmuck to the south, near the swamp. It is crude in nature, comprised of one big room. The most interesting item is a good quality shelf, on which a small doll sized tinker goblin sits with a letter. Dreeda lives and works on their projects here.[/color] [center][hider=Pinglist][@Lugia][@Lusus Naturae][@Necroes][@rush99999][@Shovel][@Cao the Exiled][/hider][/center]