[center][h2] Pykeon [/h2][/center] I don’t give any ground as I deflect his blows. Though not particularly skilled, I use basic defense and attack moves combined with brute strength, which usually works out in my favor against Jedi. Fancy fighting leaves a lot of openings to take advantage of. [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] Meanwhile, Jude, Korre and I are almost to the medical center. Thankfully, the Organa’s have already begun evacuating the sick and wounded, which included Xan as well as Synclair and her baby, Rosalie. We intended to join up with them and give them a proper escort out... but then we run into a complication. [center][h2] Ursa Lin [/h2][/center] I stand in the hallway, my twin pink lightsabers active kn my hands. One is in a reverse grip, and the other pointed at the white haired woman and the boy. “Going somewhere? I believe you have something we want.” Looks last them to Korre. “I’ll take her off your hands, if you don’t mind.” [center][h2] Becca Twilight[/h2][/center] Jude reaches for his weapon, but I hold out a hand to stop him. “Take Korre, fine Xan and Syn. Get back to base.” I make eye contact with Ursa. “It’s been a while since I had a real fight.” [center][h2] Jude Sucal [/h2][/center] “We’ll take the long way.” I pull Korre down a side hall that will, hopefully, get us where we need to go. [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] Calmly, I unhook my lightsaber from my held and activate it I’m a Soresu ready stance, bathing my face in golden light. My opponent moves into a battle stands as well, spreading her blades and bending her knees. In unison, we leap at each other.